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"It seemed fate had other plans."

Ela's POV

"So this night sucks already." I huffed and plopped down beside Maura who was sulking on the couch

"Tell me about it." She retorted and took another swig of her whiskey she snuck from Jacks bar.

"Guys we've been here for like ten minutes. Chill out. What's got your nerves on end Ela?" Lauren dived into the convo.

I stole the crystal glass from Maura's grasp and downed a fourth of the liquid.


They both looked confused. "Who?"

"Just some -" I started but stopped in my tracks when the curly brunette bounded into the room, Harry in tow.

"Hey everyone," Harry spoke commanding the attention of the room. "This is Heather. She's my-"

I couldn't hear the word, girlfriend. And even if I was way off I couldn't even hear the word friend. She was so nasty to me and I wanted nothing to do with her, or the fact that Harry was into her, friends or more.

I gribbed the glass of whiskey harder and interrupted Harry before he could finish.

"Jack where's you bar?"

The tension filled the room immediately. I didn't regret it though.

"Ela are you sure you should be-" Melinda interrupted.

Thank god for Maura. "Yes. She should. And so should I. I'll show you where it's at Ela."

Maura grabbed my hand and we sashaed put of the room before anyone dared trying to stop us. We passed down a hallway and traveled down a small set of stairs before the small bar came into view.

I went for a bottle, not caring what kind of alcohol it was, but making sure it was strong.

"Heather is fucking Harry now?"

I cringed at Maura's word choice. "Don't know. Probably." I squeezed my eyes as the warm liquid burn my throat.

The pain felt good though.

"She's pretty." I continued with the self inflicted pain.

Maura shrugged. "She's alright."

"He doesn't love me anymore Maura."

I knew deep down, no matter how much I loved Maura, that she was the worst person for a self esteem boost. She was cynical about things. The fact that she and Zayn seemed to only keep fighting added more to the pot.

"Its hard to truly ever know how they really feel about things...and people. I don't know what goes on through Zayn's head half the time and then once in a blue moon he'll spit this deep random shit out at me and gets mad when I don't respond the way he thought I would or the way he wants. What the hell am I supposed to do?"

I had no answer for Maura. How could I reply back go her when I couldn't even figure out my own life problems?

I wrapped my lips around the edge of the bottle of vodka and pressed my teeth between the sides.

"And Harry's a fool if he goes for that Heather chick. Who gives a damn anyways. We're leaving for the tour anyways. We'll be gone for months."

"Ouch!" I screeched as the bottle got ripped away from my mouth. The harsh force stung and stunned me. "What the hell?" I whipped around in my barstool.

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