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"You have a promise on that one."

Ela's POV

"Flight 107 will be unloading in approximately 15 minutes. Thank you for your patience," the the calm voice boomed across the ceiling.

"Finally. This wait has been fucking terrible." Erin huffed under her breath.

Due to Melinda's obsession with being two hours early to every single event, we have been crammed into this stuffy airport awaiting Alexa's arrival.

I scroll through my timeline one last chance before I have to make my way to Alexa's plane.

My phone has been awfully silent these past few days. With no new texts, I decide to finally shut my phone off.

Without Harry, it seems like my life takes a slow stroll. It doesn't go anywhere. It just stays mediocre.

We haven't talked since the last fight, and it is now getting to me.

"Hey, you alright, Ela?" Erin questions me.

"Yeah! I'm just tired from this wait. That's all." I lied.

"Ela, just don't think about Harry right now. Japan is going to be the shit. Don't let this love crap get to you." as she spoke, she pointed her finger into my face like she was scolding a child.

Before I could back talk her, she turned on her heel and walked to talk to Melinda.

But that's just my grueling problem. Ever since the enormous blow up at his house, I haven't been able to think straight. Not seeing him and being able to talk this over is killing me.

I guess it didn't help I avoided him. It was so hard for me to face him though after he nearly told me he loved me then took it back.

If the girls hung out with the guys, I made sure I was out of the house before they showed up. I didn't text him, and not once did he try to see me or text me. What am I supposed I think of that? He's done. That's all I could think.

I sat in the uncomfortable airport seats waiting for Alexa. I'm the only one without a guy. Great. Looks like I'll have to get used to.

Hopefully, with Alexa here, I'll be able to get my mind off it.


"So, how was Ireland?" Maura questioned Alexa from the front seat of our black van.

"It was great! Niall's family is wonderful, and Ireland is beautiful. Why don't we tour there more often?" Alexa rambled on about her trip.

Her face lights up in pure happiness as she talks about each memory and each fucking trip and each fucking day they spent together.

Listen to yourself Ela! That's your best friend! It wasn't that I was not happy for Alexa. I wanted her to be happy. I'm just jealous. And jealous is an ugly emotion.

While all the girls grow closer and closer to their boys, Harry and I can't seem to make it a week without killing each other. I know all the girls say how in love we all are, but if he loves me so much, why isn't he showing it..

"Holy shit! This is awesome! Look at it." Miata grabs my pouty face and forces me to turn my head to the window. She is right. Our hotel here in Japan is awesome. Awesome is actually an understatement.

"Alright ladies! I'll give you three hours to get settled and rest up, and then I'll be here to pick you up for the meeting. Look presentable. See ya ladies."

With that, Melinda flounced out the van to a group of security guards who ushered her into the hotel.

"Okay. Let's do the usual. Buddy system."

I inwardly groaned. Of course my "buddy" to ensure none of us got lost in the thick of the screaming crowd was Alexa.

"Ready?" She smiles over at me.

"Of course."

The dynamics between the two of us is awkward. We still haven't resolved the tension before she left for Ireland.

"Okay let's go." Miata, Erin, and Lauren all scurried out of the van as the screams of people were heard, all clawing at them.

My eyes glazed over watching security bat away the crazy hands.

The van felt uneasy for a second, but Alexa broke the tension.

"Hey. I just want to get that stupid fight out of the way," she said putting all her bags down on the seat of the van.

"Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking. Harry can make me so crazy.."

It was true though. When we are on bad terms, it is like I'm mad at the rest of the world.

"Speaking of Harry, I talked to him." My eyes darted up to her face.

"You did?" My voice croaked.

"Yeah, he said he missed you then handed me this." in her hand was a crinkled envelope.

"What is this?" She had to know what was inside. He had to of said something to her. That's what he always does.

"I have no idea. He just gave it to me with no explanation."

I turned the white envelope over in my hand. On the back was my name written in perfect calligraphy.

I honestly couldn't think of a single good thing that would be in this letter. I was scared to death to open, but I know if I didn't I die from curiosity.

I slid my fingers underneath the sealed opening, and took the top off. Inside there was a hand written letter on notebook paper.

"Give us a minute." Ela hushed to the security guard who was ready to rush us out like he did with the others.

The envelope felt heavy in my hands.

I noticed Alexa turn to the side and play with her phone in order to give me some privacy.

I cautiously took the note out and started to read.

Dear Ela,

I'm constantly on edge. I'm constantly confused. I'm constantly fighting within myself. Most of all, I'm constantly thinking about you.

All these upsets we face in our relationship don't even compare to the good parts. If I added up every single fight we had, the sum doesn't even come close to one kiss I get from you.

I know we left on bad terms, but when you get back, we can solve it. You have a promise on that one.


I read the short letter over and over again. I hoped he would keep comforting. I hoped he would apologize for the huge fight. I hoped he was with me to just cuddle and forget all this.

I hoped he would say "I love you."

I folded the paper up to put it away when I saw a little note on the back.

I may not have said it yet, but when I do, I mean it with every piece of my heart.

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