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"Drunk?" I question, whispering over to Niall.

"In love."

Ela's POV

Last night was beyond great. I haven't had that much fun in a long time, but it also had its complications.

The more I thought about last night, the more I became confused. It has been only two days since Kendall literally crushed me. In my mind, I don't think it is right for me to be around another boy already.

When Kendall told me the real truth behind everything, I lost any ounce of confidence I had left in him. I lost a lot of confidence in myself too. But last night with Harry was different. It was last night where I felt like I was important. I wasn't just Kendall's paparazzi scandal. Harry actually made me feel like I was imperative. Harry made me feel better.

I mean Harry is caring. Harry is surprisingly funny, no matter how corny his jokes are. Harry is always there to listen. Harry is extremely attractive. Harry is strong in his own mind. Harry is free. Harry is the boy every girl wants. Harry is frustrating. Harry is aggravating. However most importantly, Harry is just himself with me. That's all I ever want him to be.

It's no secret I developed feelings for Harry that first night on the beach. It's no secret I have grown to like him even more, but I honestly can't put myself through another relationship right now.

I think it is best for me to have some alone time. I just need a break tonight where I can get away from all the girls and guys and just relax. I know the other girls are going to ring me out for skipping out tonight, but it is best for me.

Just as I was about to break the news, Alexa comes skipping into my room and plops down on my little futon. She is chewing on a lollipop, completely oblivious to all her surroundings.

"Hey, Ela. It is pretty late for you to be sleeping in. Don't cha think?" She asks me with a little laugh.

I try to keep up with the light attitude, "Haha! Yeah, you're right! Hey, I am actually go to the park for a little tonight! Which means-"


It didn't work.

"Are you seriously missing tonight's annual movie night for a 'walk in the park'?" she asked quite angrily.

"I mean I just need some time for a quick breather outside! It.. uh... calms me down." I say trying to come up with a good enough excuse.

She stops eating her lollipop and points it right at me. "Or you are going to the park because you don't want to see Harry because you know you are developing feelings for him." she spits out so matter-a-factly.

"No! I just want to go for a walk." I explain, hoping she will just back off.

The glare she gives me after that is so poisonous. If looks could kill, I would be dead from the face I am receiving. She stands up swiftly and heads straight for the door, but right before she is about to leave, she turns and looks at me.

"Stop lying," her voice spews with venom.

I am not lying. Am I?

Alexa's POV

I am beyond mad. I am beyond infuriated. I am to the point of exhaustion. Ela is one of my best friends, and for her to be this way constantly drives me insane! She has been like this ever since she's met him.

Kendall has ruined Ela. He has crushed her day after day, and finally, she saw the true him. We knew he was bad for her the moment she came home from the first date. The way he brought her down to his scummy level makes me itch in goosebumps. He makes me this mad.

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