Zhuge kongming part 2

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"Theresa Report." Said a male voice. "All good sir, however this world has something called project end, I was hoping you'd know about it?" She responded, The male voice then said "no, is it possible to defeat?" Theresa then said "I see, well someone is trying to defeat it now." The male voice then said "I'd like to meet this one who can defeat this project end, what's his name?" Theresa looked over to Alex and said "his name is Alex. he came from the sky." The man then said "So, he's like the others I've heard of, ones who go around the multiverse stopping a certain threat. As such he is a threat himself. as soon as he gets done, bring him here so we may execute him." Theresa hesitated, "a-are you sure, why?" He then said "he could turn on us at any given moment, he could kill all of us without warning and if this one can traverse between universes then he could be nigh unstoppable." Theresa nodded "of course, I get it now." 

Rita was looking at Zhuge kongming from outside and thought "So, it seems our captain wants that man to die, I need to speak to him, I need to get to my home and warn him, I'm sure he'll survive this encounter, but what'll happen if he encounters Zhuge again, or the might of the that bastard of a man." Rita then ran off into the forest and changed out of her outfit into her fallen rosemary one, and said "she thinks I'm just one of her fakes, ha, I'll show her, my best bet to help him is to find a suitable dimension, once he's done here and leaves, theresa will be forced back to him. what a snake, I've seen those document's he's basically become a megalomaniac." Rita then grabbed the fake rita and said  "act like me and watch over the boy."

Alex awoke and saw it was morning and Zhuge kongming said "good morning. How was your sleep?" Alex nodded and said "pretty good, shall we review the footage." Zhuge nodded and said "well, sure you're not going to eat?" Alex shook his head and said "The faster I get to know who project end is, the better the outcome will be. plus I have my protein bars " 

As Alex got to the detector he saw that it was damaged "darn, I guess she got to it. Luckily" He walked up to it and pulled a small drive out of it and said "I came prepared." Zhuge looked shocked and Rita's expression didn't change at all. Alex then plugged it into his phone and watched it over and said "So, after reviewing the complete footage, I have found that the person who is project end is this man right here. Know who he is?" He then showed the phone to the duo and Rita said "That is the village elder, we never see him because he stays at home all day." Alex nodded "do you mind if we pay him a visit?" Zhuge nodded and said "Can do."

Alex walked into the Elders house with Zhuge and Rita behind him and the elder said "ZHUGE KONGMING, WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" he boomed Alex then said "Hello sir, or should I say project end, I know what you are." The elder got mad but before he could do anything Alex sucked all of project end's energy out of him and said "that's that." Alex felt the energy flow from his hands to the rest of his body and said "That went easier than expected." Zhuge then said "we should get you back to the shrine."

As they walked back Zhuge said "Alex, you must come with me." Alex looked confused and said "What, Why?" Zhuge then said "Because my boss says you're a danger, he wants to kill you." Alex jumped back "what? No way, not happening, no chance." Zhuge then grabbed her 'cross' and said "it's the only way. You know this is the end." Alex stepped back, he knew he had one chance to not miss the portal he had to create, as he felt the remaining project end energy in his body began to fade, Alex jumped from the bridge into the river and used his diving skills and shot up to the shrine. He ran into the room and grabbed his bag and bolted out. He saw Zhuge and he jumped back into the river and swam straight out of the village into a secluded area to escape. 

Alex puffed and weezed opening the portal and said "What the hell happened, why did she do that" as he stepped in he began to fly back home, he then felt something new, he felt betrayed, knowing that he was going to be killed.

Zhuge made it to the portal just as it closed and said "darn, he got away." She then heard that man say "No matter, come home, we need to have a meeting, regarding Rita." Zhuge sighed and said "on it Captain." As another portal opened up she stepped through and said to her captain "I'm sorry, he seems one step ahead." Her captain smiled "I doesn't matter, we'll get him another time."

Alex flew through the portal thinking "was that her plan from the start, did she want to kill me after project end, regardless I'm free of that world and I hope I don't see her again."

"Captain, why is she here?" Zhuge said pointed to the grey haired girl and this captain said "I'm rallying all of our friends, however, rita is evading us. Tried looking for her in her world, but nothing, I would like to find one of these so called agents so I can understand what they can do." Zhuge then  looked at her palm and saw the specks of project end energy flow around and the grey haired girl said "what is that?" Zhuge then said "Bronnie they are project end particles, seems I caught some when attempting to get the boy." She then spread them on the handrail and the whole ship began to change up "Zhuge, this discovery is massive, we need to find more of these particles, we could generate our own if we had the time." Zhuge then said "well, we'll need to find a universe with enough particles to completely charge our ship and allow us to take down all of those agent you said there are."

As Alex began to reach the end he sounded the alert and said "I'm back, already." He was still feeling the effects of the betrayal and hoped that she didn't follow him in, he knew by now she was already planning something. He just hoped that what she is doing was a helpless attempt.

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