The Olenyeva's

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Alex was with Sarah and she said "so when will you go after that other captain?" Alex looked around and said "Soon, I want to be fully prepared and I think it would be better for a 2 on 1, you and me vs him, how does that sound." Sarah looked worried "a-are you sure, what about last time?" Alex sighed " but this time will be different, you'll know more and I won't be in such a bad state." Sarah then said "Won't he get tougher though?" Alex nodded "yes, which is why training you is a good idea, we'll be twice as prepared as him." Alex then grabbed the comms device and said "We're done, be ready to open."

Seele was waiting on the bridge for Kiana to come and open up with her. As Kiana rushed in she said "that was quite fast, I barely got to have lunch." Kiana then took her key from around her neck and inserted it into the slot and turned it. As the portal opened Kiana, Seele and Zach heard a loud "Seele!" Come from behind and Seele said "err, let's hope they get out quick." A pink haired girl then bursted in followed by theresa who grabbed her tail just before she got to Seele. Theresa then said "when I say wait, you wait. Seele is quite busy during the alert." Seele then said "t-thank you." looked at the girl and asked "you know her?" Seele nodded "That's Rozaliya, one of my sisters at the orphanage. But where is liliya?" A blue haired girl came up and said "Here." She looked at Seele holding the Key in the slot "what are you doing." Theresa then said "A job, follow me to the front you can get a look."As the three walked to the edge of the bridge both the twins saw the open portal with Both Alex and Sarah tumbling out. Liliya then said "who are they?" Kiana took her key out and said "Alex and Sarah, both of which are quite mysterious."

Sarah came up to the bridge and saw everyone and said  "hello." Theresa then said "ah, sarah where is Alex?" Sarah then said "gone to his room, he said he's starting the report." Theresa nodded "I see, how did it go?" Sarah looked at Zach then back to theresa sighed "Weird, real weird." Kiana then said "well if you need me, I'm going to go finish lunch." she then walked out and the twins followed her Theresa then said "I should watch over them?" Theresa left leaving Zach, Sarah and Seele. Sarah then said "Zach, how are you feeling?" Zach then said "alright, why?" Sarah then said "can you tell me about the nightmares you've been having."

Kiana entered the dining area and Saw Alex writing his report and said "I thought you liked writing in your room?" Alex then said "A little, but I think I'll write out here for a while." Kiana sat down and said "so what was it like there?" Alex then said "weird, but I won't go into great detail about it. Saw other agents, dead. but i knew it was an illusion, oh and project end, went out like a coward." 

After a while the twins then sat next to Kiana and Alex said "who are these two." Kiana looked at the twins who were studying Alex and said "I think they are rozaliya and liliya?" Theresa then sat next to Alex and said "You're right on the money Kiana, These are Bronya's sisters." Alex then said "how did they get on here?" Theresa sighed looking At the two watch Kiana eat "Found them stowed away in the cargo bay, I caught them eating the stored stuff down there, I caught them and scolded them, now I would kick them off but they said they were looking for their sisters, and Seele just so happens to be one of them. However for right now they seem fixated on Kiana"

"Sarah, I still don't want to talk much about it, but I will say this, I think they might symbolize something, like a betrayal." Sarah then said "well, when you are ready, please don't be afraid." Zach nodded "I got it, now you should get some rest." Sarah nodded " I've got it." Upon leaving the bridge she saw Kiana being followed by the twins and said "nice followers you got there." Kiana nodded "They seem fixated on me." Rozaliya then said "it's because we heard you were strong. We want to learn from you." Kiana looked shocked and said "are you, err, sure?" The two nodded and Sarah said "seems like you now have students too." Kiana nodded "yeah, I guess so."

Theresa was sitting near Alex when she got an alert from one of engineers and she said "Oh Alex, how far done are you?" Alex then said "about 4/5 of the way done, why?" Theresa then said "well I want to show you something, something quite incredible, something that broke when the energy was changed over, but now, now it's been fixed up and improved thanks to project end energy. But I do want a new name for it, do you mind if I come up with some?" Alex then said "Alright and sure, have a go I want to think of something too."

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