Story ten: Dundral: Part One

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Dundral was walking around the HQ minding her own, when she began to hear crying come from below, She became concerned. She wait to a nearby stairwell and walked down it. As the crying got closer she became more and more concerned "hello? Who is there." as she got to the bottom she saw rows of cells. As the walked forward she heard the crying again. Dundral then walked upto the cell that the crying came from and saw a girl.

The girl was no older than 15 years old, slightly younger than dundral herself. She then said "What's wrong." The girls eyes shot open and said "You shouldn't be down here, if he catches you, he'll place you in here as well." Dundral shook her head "What did you do to be in here?" The girl sobbed out "N-nothing, he just captured me and placed me in the cell." Dundral then broke the bars and said "Let's get out of here." She then grabbed the girl and destroyed the cell window and jumped out activating her jets and flying to a nearby forest.

"Otto sama have you seen dundral sama?" Said rita entering the overseers office. Otto sighed "She found the prisoner the one that is too powerful to be let out, she manipulated her into thinking I'm the worst person for locking her in. Dammit, lets hope she comes to her senses soon. I'm sending a few squads to check out the surrounding area"

Dundral flew into the forest holding the girl trying to escape the pursuing squads. They were fast, but dundral was stronger, she knew the only way to escape was to knock them out. Dundral then grabbed her lance and hit all three valkyries at the same time. While two were knocked out the third said in the comms "Dundral is in the forest, I repeat she is in the forest."

As dundral ran through the forest she came across a cabin and decided to knock on the door. The door opened and a boy came out. He said "What do you want?" Dundral looked stressed "I need a place to hide. The schicksal is after me." The boy nodded "Come in, I'll let you hide in here." The boy then removed a few floor board and said "This should be the safest way to hide, afterwards we need to talk." Dundral nodded and got in still holding the girl.

The boy's door knocked again and he answered it to three valkyries. One of them said "We are looking for one of our allies, she has blonde hair, blue eyes and holding a girl?" The boy shook his head "No, I did hear something fly pass though, you might want to go to the town if you want to check it out, it's about 5 km from here." The valkyrie nodded "Thanks for the help."

As the boy watched the valkyries leave he helped dundral out and said "They're gone now." Dundral then smiled "Thanks, I uh want to ask, why do you have that hole there?" The boy looked down "My sister is being hunted, I've got it there to protect her, although she often goes out behind my back." Dundral then placed her hand on her hip "seems like you're overprotective of her?" The boy nodded "Yeah,  You see we were both adopted, and up until 5 years ago I was an only child, so when my parents died I did what I could to keep her safe, I couldn't bear to lose her, not yet." Dundral then asked "Sorry, I guess that was kind of rude to ask without asking what your name is." The boy smiled "Oh, right, I'm Alex, nice to meet you Schicksal girl." Dundral blushed slightly. "My names dundral." She whispered Alex smiled "Dundral huh, nice name."

Half an hour went by and the door opened and a voice said "I'm home." Alex perked up and ran to the door, dundral followed and watched. "Oh thank god, you know it's dangerous leaving when the schicksal is nearby, what were you thinking." The girl smiled "Oh Alex you worry to much, I'm fine." Alex rubbed the back of his head "Yeah, sorry. Please at least say that you are next time so I don't have to worry." The girl nodded "Right, I'll remember that next time." Alex then said "Oh and we have a guest, she is from the schicksal but she seems nice enough to not rat us out." Dundral then saw who Alex was talking to and was shocked. "Wait, I thought you were still in a secret facility?" The girl sighed "I escaped, that's when I met Mom and dad who adopted me." Dundral looked at the girl "Kiana right?" The girl nodded "Yes." Alex then said "So who is that girl you brought, she seems familiar." Dundral looked over to the girl who was fast asleep "I don't know her personally, but I did find her trapped in a cell at HQ. I wonder what she was in for." Kiana looked at the girl and said "Looks like that one during the eruption at nagazora. you know the one you were looking for." Dundral was confused "Looking for? why are you looking for someone?" Alex sighed "I should say, I'm looking for project end, something more powerful than anyone here, except me. I was inserted into this world to stop her." Dundral then looked at the girl again "Could she be it?" Alex nodded "a possibility, I don't want to take the chance however, a wrong move and, poof I just killed someone innocent." Dundral looked shocked "Oh dear. I hope you find her soon." Alex smiled "Thanks."

A few hours went by and a noise came from outside. Alex went and saw a massive battleship fly overhead. He looked back into his house and said "You three, stay hidden until I give the all clear, I think this is a schicksal ship coming to look for dundral." Kiana nodded and got into the spot followed by dundral holding the girl.

A few minutes went by and Alex opened up the hidden area "it's safe now, however it's stopped at town so be careful. Also it's definitely schicksal just to note." Dundral got out and said "Thanks, how would you suggest I leave?" Alex shook his head "Oh no, that's too risky you're staying here for now. Just until that battleship leaves." Dundral sighed "fine, I guess I can stay, but please don't be a creep." Alex nodded "You got it. Kiddo" Dundral blushed slightly "Thanks."

It was night and Dundral had gone to bed, Alex offered his while he slept in the spare bedroom. However dundral was awake thinking. "Alex, he seems so nice, I know I can trust him but, there's a sinking feeling that something is up with him." she thought as she drifted off.

"I wonder if she'll understand, She might think that I'll kill the girl. to the girl it might hurt a bit, but to us she'll be screaming in agony." Alex thought "Project end has known to play with people's minds, she may try fight back stop me from helping her. I know she brought the girl who is project end, I just have to wait a little longer let the project end settle in her a bit longer." He then sighed" I'm so close. my mission almost complete."

The next morning came by and Dundral awoke. as she put her battlesuit on she said "I need to get something else to wear. this battlesuit is not very good for lounging around, I wonder If I can sneak onto hq and get something to wear. No, no that'll draw attention. I should just suck it up and wear it." after she left the room she went to go check on the girl. When she got there she saw her sitting up and talking with Kiana. 

"Otto, we think we've tracked down Dundral to this cabin, but until we get proof I won't invade." Said rita, Otto nodded "I see, until then keep an eye on it, we need to be completely sure." Rita nodded "Understood." Otto then looked at a picture of the four that are in the house and thought "I know you four are damn well in there, once the thing has been contained I need to get that boy, he could help me unlock the secrets to reviving Kallen."

Dundral went to the kitchen and saw Alex making something. Alex noticed dundral and said "Sit down at the table I'm making you some breakfast." She complied, to be polite. After Alex was done he put the plate in front of dundral and said "Here you go" With a smile. She smiled back and said "Thanks, but have you had anything?" Alex nodded "Yeah I woke up really early. I have a terrible sleep schedule." dundral gave a small chuckle "Oh, well I'd like to know more about you then, are you skilled in anything." Alex nodded "I have basic hand-to-hand combat training, as well as mild marksman training. I can hit a target with my rifle at about 200 metres." Dundral was shocked "incredible." Alex then looked at dundral "what about you?" She blushed a bit and said "Ah, well a lot of everything, I am an S rank valkyria after all."

A few hours went by Alex had left to do some errands, Kiana was keeping an eye on the two at the house, as time went on dundral began to hear crying again. she knew it was the girl. As she walked up the stairs her head began to pound slightly. she ignored it and went to the room as she opened the door the girl was backed up against the wall dundral then said "What's wrong?" Hoping the girl would feel safer. "A-Alex, he is trying to kill me."

Alex opened the door only to be tackled outside by dundral. alex then said shocked "Dundral what the hell." He then looked in her eyes and saw that the girl was manipulating her. He grunted "Dammit dundral, she's using you." Dundral growled and said "I won't let you kill her. There has to be another way." Alex sighed and threw dundral off of him and said "I need to stop you she has already started her reign of terror."

As the two fought it looked like an even fight, however one thing allowed Alex to have the advantage, his stamina. He was able to fight for longer periods of time before wearing out. Just as dundral thought she had the upper hand Alex knocked her down. He then walked upto the girl and before he could remove the energy dundral said "N-no, please don't hurt her." before passing out. Alex looked back and said "I'm sorry, you know what must be done." He then removed the energy and the girl passed out.

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