Character Sheets

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The character sheets aren't complete yet. I'm going to be posting more in the future.

Tanjiro Kamado / Birthday: July 14 / Age: 15 / Weight - 61 kg / Height - 165 cm / Male

Hair color: Red to Black / Eye color: Dark Red / Magic: Sun Breathing, Water Breathing

Positive/Normal Relations:

- Kanao Tsuyuri (Girlfriend)

- Zenitsu Agatsuma (Close friend)

- Inosuke Hashibira (Close friend)

- Isekai Mizuki (Rival, best friend)

- Muichiro Tokito (Friend)

- Nezuko Kamado (Younger sister)

- Shigeru Kamado (Younger brother)

- Takeo Kamado (Younger brother)

- Hanako Kamado (Younger sister)

- Rokuta Kamado (Younger brother)

- Kie Kamado (Mother)

- Tanjuro Kamado (Father)

Negative Relations:

- Zenitsu Agatsuma (Formerly)

- Shinobu Kocho (Because of Kanao)

- Muzan Kibutsuji (Nemesis of Slayers Corporation)

Strengths: Highly determined, knows two different Breathing magics

Weaknesses: His own kindness, the drawback of using Sun Magic

Likes: Seaweed plum rice balls, rice crackers, Kanao Tsuyuri

Dislikes: Killing, Zenitsu's screaming


Isekai Mizuki / Birthday: November 10 / Age: 16Weight - 55 kg / Height - 165 cm / Male

Hair color: Yellow (right) and Magenta (left) / Eye color: Yellow (right eye only, his left one is covered by an eyepatch) / Magic: Order and Chaos (Breath)

Positive/Normal Relations:

- Black Aurori (Cousin)

- Tanjiro Kamado (Rival, best friend)

- Takeo Kamado (Friend)

- Kanao Tsuyuri (Close friend)

- Muichiro Tokito (Friend, temporary pupil)

- Inosuke Hashibira (Friend)

- Zenitsu Agatsuma (Friend)

- Aoi Kanzaki (Close friend)

Negative Relations:

- Muzan Kibutsuji (Nemesis of Slayers Corporation)

-  The rhinoceros that killed his parents

Strengths: Very powerful and well-versed in combat, smart

Weaknesses: Fighting from very long ranges, not good with shotguns, short temper

Likes: American and breakfast foods, pizza, science experiments, lo-fi hip-hop

Dislikes: Bugs, most vegetables, heavy metal music

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