Character Sheets (FINAL EDITION)

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Hello, readers! I decided to update the sheets one last time, since this story is finally coming to an end. I will be adding the Upper Moons too, and give you some info about them. Have a great read, and thank you for all of the support.

Note that characters that have died, post-timeskip and pre-timeskip, will be marked with a cross sign (†). Please note that it will be directly stated when they died in their sheet.


Tanjiro Kamado
Tanjiro Kamado Sr.
(after first child)

Gender: Male
Age: 83
Birthday: July 14, 2015
Height: 173.4 cm (Adult)
Weight: 70 kg (Adult)
Hair color: Red to black
Eye color: Dark red
Race: Human
Battle Style: Melee Type
Personality: Determined, warm-hearted, considerate, and sometimes VERY protective
Status: Deceased (As of August 14th, 2098) (alongside Kanao)

Positive Relations:

Kanao Tsuyuri † (Wife)
Tanjiro Kamado Jr. † (Son)
Kanao Kamado Jr. † (Daughter)
Sumiko Kamado (Daughter)
Sumiyoshi Kamado (Son)
Isekai Mizuki (Best friend, rival)
Inosuke Hashibira † (Close friend)

Nezuko Kamado † (Younger sister)
Takeo Kamado † (Younger brother)

Hanako Kamado † (Younger sister)

Shigeru Kamado † (Younger brother)

Rokuta Kamado † (Younger brother)

Kie Kamado † (Mother)
Tanjuro Kamado † (Father) (Drained his own life force)

Kyojuro Rengoku  (Friend) (Killed by Akaza)

Five ancestors  (Killed by Kokushibo or Muzan)
Ayato Kamado † (Great-grandfather) (Killed by Gyokko/Managi)
Yurika Kamado † (Paternal grandmother)
Yoriichi Tsugikuni † (Friend) (Drained his own life force)
Tsutako Tomioka † (Friend)

Zenitsu Agatsuma † (Brother-in-law)
Sumihiko Kamado (Descendant)
Kanata Kamado (Descendant)
Toko Agatsuma (Descendant)
Yoshiteru Agatsuma (Descendant)
Two unnamed girls (Descendants)

Negative Relations:

Zenitsu Agatsuma † (Sometimes)
Gyokko/Managi † (For capturing Kanao) (Killed by Tanjiro)

Muzan Kibutsuji † (Nemesis of the Slayers Corporation) (Killed by Isekai)
Akaza † (For killing Kyojuro) (Killed by himself)

Likes - Seaweed plum rice balls, spacious and relaxing areas
Dislikes - Killing in general, Zenitsu's screaming
Hobbies - Baking and having sparring matches with Isekai


- Hinokami Kagura / Sun Magic (and in turn, several other powers)
- Water Magic
- Harder head

Affiliation - Mama Kamado's Bakery, Slayers Corporation (formerly), DRF (formerly)
Occupation - Baker, Tsuchinoe-ranked slayer (formerly), warrior (formerly)

Fun fact: Kanao and Tanjiro died at the exact same time. The reason is because he made one final wish to the Shinto deity Amaterasu during their marriage anniversary. It was to tie Kanao's life to his, so that she will die when he did, and that they could go together.

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