Chapter 70.5 - Upper Moon Four: Broker Hantengu

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A few days before the events of the skeletal man being chased...

Muzan called a demon to his domain. The skeletal man appeared, and he was looking around to see who may have called him. He saw Muzan, and immediately bowed down in respect. "What an honor to be in your presence, master. How may I serve thy devilishness?" he greeted. Muzan laughed a little, commenting that no one has greeted him like that. He told him not to worry, as he liked it.

"Now, now. No more wasting time. I'd send our second strongest Slayer asset, Kanao, for this mission. However, Two still hasn't finished curing her yet, as he's still having trouble infiltrating her brain's core, so I'm sending you instead, Hantengu," he explained, calling the skeletal man Hantengu.

Hantengu asked him about this mission. "I've gotten ahold of one of the school's plan records, and the entire high school of Slayers is going to Tsunan Town in the Niigata Prefecture so that they could see the Tsunan Snow Festival. I want you to interrupt the party and kill as many of the slayers as you can. Understood?" Muzan commanded. Hantengu nodded. "I trust that you, Upper Moon Four of the Twelve Kizuki, can do this better than that narcissistic merman Gyokko did. Now go, and don't die. You're the only broker I have among the demons." he said, teleporting Hantengu out.

"Well, I guess I'm headed to Tsunan. But where do I start heading from?" he asked himself, trying to look at the world like a compass. His train of thought was interrupted by Genya and Murata spotting him. And when they got close, Hantengu leapt away in fear. And so, the chase began.

To be continued...

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