Extras - Character Sheets II

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Here's the second volume of the Character Sheets! This one features all nineteen students in Class 1-A,  instead of five from last time.

Tanjiro Kamado / Birthday: July 14 / Age: 14 / Weight - 61 kg / Height - 165 cm / Male
Hair color: Red to black / Eye color: Dark red / Human

Personality - Kind, highly considerate, determined and sometimes indecisive

Positive Relations:

Kanao Tsuyuri (Girlfriend, transformed into demon)
Isekai Mizuki (Best friend, rival)
Nezuko Kamado (Younger sister)
Takeo Kamado (Younger brother)
Hanako Kamado (Younger sister)
Shigeru Kamado (Younger brother)
Rokuta Kamado (Younger brother)
Kie Kamado (Mother)
Tanjuro Kamado (Father)
Yurika Kamado (Grandmother)
Ayato Kamado (Great-grandfather)
Masuki Kamado (Great-great grandfather)
3 other ancestors

Negative Relations:

Zenitsu Agatsuma (sometimes, usually involving Nezuko)
Muzan Kibutsuji (Nemesis of the Slayers Corporation)
Akaza (For killing Kyojuro Rengoku)
Gyokko (Dead, for capturing Kanao Tsuyuri)

Strengths - Extremely powerful abilities, decisive in battle
Weaknesses - Drawback of Sun Magic, his own kindness

Likes - Seaweed plum rice balls, spacious areas
Dislikes - Zenitsu's screaming, killing in general

Affiliation - Mama Kamado's Bakery, the Slayers Corporation
Occupation - Baker (sometimes), Tsuchinoe-ranked slayer

Description - A warm-hearted young man who hates killing living beings. Even then, he knows what must be done, and will forever be determined to reach his goals until he meets his fate or achieves it. Tanjiro sometimes helps with his mother's bakery, and he'll be the one to take care of the family whether his mother and father cannot be there. Don't ask Nezuko out when he's around, however. Zenitsu tried it once, and he was almost landed in Mitsuri Kanroji's office.

Kanao Tsuyuri / Birthday: May 19th / Age: 15 / Weight - 46 kg (46.6 kg as a demon) / Height: 156 cm (157.4 cm as a demon) / Female
Hair color: Black (Black to a pinkish scarlet as a demon) / Eye color: Purple (Reddish-pink as a demon) / Human (Demon beginning from Chapter 58.5)

Personality (Human) - Shy, quiet, kind, indecisive, graceful
Personality (Demon) - Cold, straightforward, decisive

Positive Relations (Human):

Tanjiro Kamado (Boyfriend)
Isekai Mizuki (Close friend)
Aoi Kanzaki (Close friend)
Masachika Kumeno (First friend)
Shinobu Kocho (Adoptive older sister)
Kanae Kocho (Adoptive older sister)
Nezuko Kamado (Best friend)
Ozaki (Close friend)

Positive Relations (Demon):

Muzan Kibutsuji (Leader)
Kokushibo (Allied member)
Doma (Allied member, doctor)
Akaza (Allied member)

Negative Relations (Human):

Zenitsu Agatsuma (Sometimes)
Muzan Kibutsuji (Nemesis of the Slayers Corporation)
Kaigaku Inadama (Sometimes)

Negative Relations (Demon):

Tanjiro Kamado (Arch-enemy)
Isekai Mizuki (Core nemesis of the Twelve Kizuki)
The entire Slayers Corporation (Nemesis of the Twelve Kizuki)
The Military
The Police Force

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