Chapter 6: The faithful day I lost her.

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Eren's mother's Karla Prov
"I don't know Lilly I think he is cheating on me with other women." I exclaimed to my best friend. "Well do you have proof?" She asked drinking her coffee. "Well I found all these phone numbers and names in his coach pocket." I said pulling out all these numbers from my purse. "Oh my God dear he's cheating on you!" She said spitting her coffee.

I went home crying my eyes out. Eren and Mikasa were at Armin's house and my Husband was at work or with some other girl. I laid on the couch and kept crying. :The man I have devoted myself to for 15 years doesn't love me!!' I said to myself drifting off to sleep.

When I woke up my Husband just came through the door. "Hey honey, how are you?" He asked me not knowing I knew what he does at work. "Hi dear, it was great." I said faking a smile and walked to the kitchen. I wanted to confront him that I knew what was happening. I wanted to tell him I knew he was cheating. 

I walked in the kitchen and got a glass of water. I sat across the table from him and began to confess. "Dear, I know what you have been doing after work or even during work." I said trying to hold my tears back. "Are you asking for a divorce?" He looked at me with not emotion in his face expression. "I would like that if your telling me I'm right." I said. "Yes I'm cheating on you!" He yelled at me. "SHUT THE HELL UP the kids are sleeping!" I said in rage but quikly went to see if Eren and Mikasa were asleep. I opened the door just a bit to see, Mikasa sleeping like a kitten and Eren holding her close to his chest. "Awwe." I was so happy then.

"They do love each other." My husband said placing a hand on my shoulder. "I told Mikasa I would get her a bed but she refused. She said she was fine." I laughed. "Oh I did the same thing but instead she was more formal.


"Hey Mikasa I was thinking maybe you would like to have your own bed. Does that should ni-ce.?" "No thanks I'm fine with sleeping with Eren." She said interrupting me. "Oh okay. Are you sure?" I asked again. "Yes ma'ma I'm fine." She said once again. 


"Okay I'm glad their asleep but we need to finish our talk." We walked back to the kitchen table and sat in the same spots. "I want a divorce now." I said getting right to the point. "But I want you to answer my one question." I asked. He nodded. " Why? Why did you do this? I thought we were in love. Was it all a Lie?" I started to cry. "You said to answer one question so I did this because, I was not thinking I was unhappy with this life, so I found a new lover and then another and another." He said trying not to make eye contact. "Okay so I'll call and pick up divorce papers." I said blowing my nose.

"I want Eren." Were the only words that came out of his mouth. "If you promise to give me Mikasa and give us $100 we will be fine. "I understand" He answered then walked to the couch. I wasn't going to argue with him I loved Eren more then anything but if I started to argue with him he would have one everything.

"I'm so sorry Eren."

A week has went by after our divorce and Mikasa and I moved to Japan. I wanted to get away from everything but I was upset with myself. I separated Mikasa and Eren for my needs. Mikasa didn't laugh or smile the whole time we were on the plain she just looked out the window. 

We got off the plain and I had a friend waiting for us, She said she would help us and let us live with her till we got our own place. "Thank you again so much!" I said hugging her. "No problem anything for you Karla!" She said with a big smile. 

We got in the car and went to her house that was the last time I saw my husband and the last time I saw Eren. 


Okay sorry for not posting anything for a long time I just couldn't figure out how a divorce should go so yeah I'm really sorry. This chapter was mostly about Eren's mother 

K Baii Baii guys =D

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