Chapter 47: difficulties

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Eren's Pov

"What are you talking about?!" I asked Armin in shock. "I-I'm sorry Eren..." He apologizes. This can't be. Why would he kill him? He's supposed to be long gone somewhere with a whore...

"What do you mean, how is dad's finger prints all over the crime scene?" Mikasa asked/yelled. "Running the finger prints on blood on the door knob its true, your father was here..." He trails off with that.

Mikasa and I don't say anything. Why would dad murder Erwin? A thought hit the back of my head.

"Mikasa! Do you think dad killed Erwin because he found out that Erwin was dating mom around the time she died?" I asked her. She doesn't say anything. Just stands there.

Maybe he found out about Erwin and thought maybe he killed her... that's kind of what we thought at first...

I felt a light tap on my shoulder then a desperate reach for my arm. I look over my shoulder and Mikasa looks like she can't even stand. I don't know what is going on why are these things happening?!

"Mikasa, what's wrong?!" I asked in fear for the worst. "I'm not feeling too good..." She begins. I pick her up bridal style since she looks like if she takes another step she's going to fall...

"Armin, clean everything up, get everything you can from this scene. Mikasa and I are going to collect all the data we found today. I leave this in your hands so don't fuck up." I smirk at the ending of my sentence. "Eren, I really want to laugh and say I've never fucked up a job but I can't... I'll handle things here." He directed me to my car and even opened the door. I let Mikasa stand so she could get in and I nodded to Armin before leaving.

"Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" I asked starting the car. "Eren, I'm fine, I just feel hungry." She mumbles. I nod my head maybe a little confused but I'm not a girl! I don't know what to do...

Mikasa gets out of the car once we reached the garage and parked our car. She walked in the elevator and waited for me to catch up. I walk in moments later and asked a very odd question. "Mikasa, do you think it's best if you don't continue on the case?"

"Eren, you know I would never give up but, maybe you're right..." She gives up in defeat. I place my hand on her stomach as it is now starting to show. She is now 2 ½ months pregnant and I can't wait... My child is inside Mikasa, growing. I'm already the father of Max and I treat him just as my own flesh a blood but it would be nice to have a little me running around.

"Hey Eren, I have a scan tomorrow, are you coming?" she asked sounding a little bit disappointed. "Mika, of course I'm coming!" I gasped as to why she would even ask that. "I was just wondering." She smirks. "I wouldn't miss this if it killed me!" I yell/laugh.

Mikasa's Pov

After standing by for a minute I rush over to my desk I start to scratch out my theories on what happen to our mother.

Erwin killed her out of some point in rage...

Erwin is still alive somewhere out there...

Erwin didn't kill mother...

Erwin did but someone else killed him...

I crossed out almost everything then started to write in new theories.

Father came in and killed mother then killed Erwin after finding out he was dating her.

Why did father kill Erwin?

Father is the 3rd man in Clarises Party...

So many questioned filled my head and no matter how many times I reread everything nothing is making since. Why can't things make since. Nothing is falling into place...

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