Chapter 10: This class!?!

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<><><>Mikasa's Prov<><><>

"Hey Annie!" I yelled to my blonde haired friend. "Oh hey Mikasa whats up need a ride?" She asked opening the door to her car. "Sure okay." I got in the car and we drove off to school. Annie was a friend I had made once I moved her. She lived not far down the road from me so it wouldn't be hard for one 15 and 16 year old girls to become friends. 

"Mikasa want some coffee before we get to school we got some time." Annie asked me pointing to the coffee shop. "Oh um okay but I don't have that much money." I replied in sadness. "That's okay Mikasa you know I go you covered." She smiled as she got her wallet out. We walked in the coffee shop and started to order. "So I'll have the Cappuccino Latte and she will have um? Hey Mika what will you have?" She asked me. "Ill have just a Flat white." I said leaning my head on the wall. 

"Here you go Mika lets hurry." She handed me my coffee and we ran to the car. "Is it good?" She asked me. "Of course this place makes me the best coffee haha." I laughed and we drove off to school. 

Once we got to school we ran to sign in. "Ight I'll see you later Mika!" She waved me good bye and we walked our separate ways. I walked to professor Hanji's class and I sat in my seat. I wasn't popular in fact people were scared of me but I did have some friends. Annie, Jean eww and, Sasha along with her boyfriend/best friend Connie. We all were in different classes but we got to be together at lunch and when we walked in the hallways. 

"Miss, Ackerman." The teacher called out my name to insure I was in homeroom. "Here." I said as I stood up then sat back down. "Great I'll need you later." She placed papers on my desk. "Thank you Miss." I said as I started to read the papers.

"UH." My eyes widen. "Miss what do you mean of this I did not-." I was cut off by Miss Hanji. "I wanted you to join that class as to your art is amazing." She said sitting at her desk. "But I don't want to be in this class. My art is not for show anymore-." She cut me off again. "And that is why you should come back to such a high class of art just because of-." I cut her off. "That does not need to be said out to the class." As I noticed the class staring at the teacher and I talk. "We should talk later." She smiled and went back to reading her out names. 


The school bell went off and it was time for our little break. "Hey Mika want to go out with me?" Jean asked me as if we thougt I would say yes. I punched him in his side. "You have some nerve asking me haha." I laughed as he fell to the floor. "And don't call me Mika! Only dear friends call me that." I said walking back to my seat. I then got a text from Annie. 

Annie: Hey.

Mikasa: Hey What you doing.

Annie: I'm just chillin. You?

Mikasa: Class is about to start. So TTYL.

Annie: Bye.

Mikasa: Bye.

I walked to my new art class and sat in my old seat. "Ms. Brzenska I have returned to class." I said to my teach. Rico Brzenska art teacher of class 207. "Oh hello Ackerman why are you here?" She asked me. "Ms. Hanji said that I will be joining this class." I sat back down and started to pull out my art supplies. "As yes your names is right here I'm sorry." I didn't say anything. Her and I did not get along to well after our accident. 

"This is our new student but has been here before. This is Mikasa Ackerman." Rico said as she pasted me my work. "Get started." She said. A boy sat next to me not long after. "Hey can I borrow a penciel? He asked me. "Uh sure." I gave the guy the penciel and he left.

"MIKASA!" A voice behind me called out. "huh?" I turned around and saw her. "Krista?" I asked. "Yeah it's me" She said. "Oh My God it's great to see you." I said hugging her tightly. "When did you get here? I asked. "I just got here two weeks ago." She said. "Thats great want to hangout later?" I asked. "I can't I have to do some work with my mother." She told me. "Oh okay well I have to get this work done so talk to you later." I said. She walked to her seat and I sat back down.

After class I went to lunch. I had a turkey sandwich and a coke for lunch. I sat in the same spot as I always have and began eating. Annie came not long after and so did Sasha. We all ate our lunches and soon Connie came. He sat next to Sasha as always. "You two need to go out!" Annie said making a heart with her hands. "Ew no me and him are Bro's for life." She said putting her arm aroung him. "Haha." I laughed as I saw how they actted. 

We ate our food laughing at eachother and making fun of one another. "You guys are my best friends." I lsaid with a small smile. "Mikasa of course we are your friends." Annie said. I loved having my friends with me but after my accident I was lucky to remeber them. "Mikasa Jean is coming this way." Sasha said pointing towards him. "Quikely sit next to me before he does." I asked Sasha who was right across from me. "Okay I'm coming to save you Mika." She said rushing over to my side but before she could someone else did. "Hello." The guy said.


Was this good cause I think it kind of is but I'm sorry if its not I truly do work hard for this. Anyway Can you tell me who this guy is?!?! I wonder. 

K Baii Baii Guys =D

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