Chapter 24: Great..Partner!

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Mikasa's Pov

"Hey mom?" Max began. "I just wanted to ask, What are you and Eren?" I was shocked of course but why would he ask that? "I mean you two are really close, you became partners and hes your old boyfriend." Max said before slipping into bed. "Your right, Eren and I use to date but that was a while ago, and forgiving him so easily won't fix us." I said. "Oh," Was all he could say. "Don't be sad! Ill see you when I get back from work." I exclaimed. He nodded and went to sat on the couch. I could trust him being alone since I had a camera watching the front doors and windows.

It was 1:27 (pm) I was waiting for Eren in his car so we could go to work. I walked outside and saw him waiting.



Eren hit the horn. "Eren whats your problem!" I yelled. He rolled down the window and smiled. "Nothing is my problem, now get in, Armin is waiting for us!" He explained. I got in the car and the whole time he kept changing the music. If it wasn't enough that we had to drive in a really expensive car with Erens' reckless driving, he had to blast music! "Eren can you please not-" I was cut off by my favorite song! "Im a love killer!" I said in a singing voice. "You know this song its like my favorite!" Eren exclaimed. I was so excited that he knew it, but the song was about to end! "Learning of the truth!" "Truth!" Eren and I stared to sing along with the song.

Once many songs went by we made it to the Survey Corps Head Quarters. "Hey, Hey Armin what you got for us?" Eren asked excitedly. "Oh, well some stuff here and there but nothing to be excited about. " Armin said in a not so happy voice. What could he mean by that? "Well what do you have thats not so exciting?" Eren asked. "Her name is Carol, she was deeply invold with a number of drugs.." He began. "So, thats not what killed her. Was she selling drugs and didnt deliver on time and was forced to be killed?" I asked. "No actually she was a tester for any new drugs. So that means someone was making a drug and having her try it, but thats still not what killed her. " He stopped when Eren started talking. "So that means she either didnt take the drugs or she was killed for not liking it." Eren explained. "That could be right, but the problem is we dont have 1 murder we have 2..." Armin became very unhappy then I had a flash back.

*Flash back*

"Hey mom do you think I can ever have a brother of sister someday?" Max asked. "Wow just moving in and already wanting a brother or sister?" I asked picking him up and swinging him around. "Haha stop! I just want one cause my real mom always asked me if I would ever want a brother or sister." He said as I set him on the couch. "Well you know that I dont have a boyfriend and I certainly dont have a husband so I can't have a baby."

*Flash back over*

"She was pregent and was going to have a baby.." I looked down on the floor in sadness as did Armin. "What do you mean she was pregnet?" Eren asked. "It means this women was pregnant with a unborn child that is now dead!" Armin yelled. "She was pregnant and the man or women who killed her also killed an unborn baby." Armin explain in a bit more settled voice.
We have to find this killer and we need to now!" I said as I stormed off to the car. Eren followed behind me and I heard Armin slame the door shut.This was bad! It was my first job in the Survey Corps and already I'm already feeling like shit because of this one murder!

Eren and I got in the car lowering my temper I started driving. "Where are you going?" Im going to talk to Mr. Eison, Carol's boyfriend!" I said driving to his corporation. "How do you know that?" Eren asked in a worried but excited voice. "Her diary!" I said throwing the diary at Eren. "Oh yeah I forgot."

When we got to the big building that was owned by Mr. Eison we stormed up to his office. "Excuse me who are you?" The women at the front desk asked. "Im Mikasa Ackerman and this is Eren Yeager, we are in a special investigation and would like to see Mr. Eison!" I demanded as I showed her our bagges. "Oh okay well he is on the very top floor can you give him a minute?" She asked nicely. "No we need to speak with him now!" I said storming up to the elevator. "Excuse me but you cant-" She was cut off by Eren. "You'll have to excuse us." He said walking side by side with me.

When we made it to his floor I knocked on the door sturnly. "Im sorry but I'm busy!" A voice yelled."Mr. Eison? Its to Survey Corps we need to ask you a few questions!" I yelled back. A loud noise went by then he opened the door and the man he was in a meeting with ran out. "Yes please come in." He said nicely letting us in. "I would like to talk to you for a minute." I said sitting in a chair infront of his desk as did Eren. "Yes what is it?" He asked looking kinda worried. "How is Carol?"

Oh cliff hanger so exciting! What do you think happen? Whats the big plot twist?? Leave a Like and Comment for me! Thx!
K Baii Baii Guys =D

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