Chapter 8: I'm changing myself to forget.

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I'm changing myself to forget my past everything. I yelled as I clenched my fist in the air. I got out of bed and went to the bath room. I brushed my hair till I realized it was way to long. I got dressed in a blue tank top and and white shorts with a black belt across. I ran down stairs to the kitchen. My mom was making my breakfast when I walked in. 

"Hey mom, smells good." I said with a big smile. "Oh hello dear, you think so?"  She asked kissing me on the cheek. "Of course your cooking always smells good." I said sitting in the chair next to the window.

I now lived in Japan in a two story house very close to the ocean. My room had a perfect view of the water so I love to go up there. 

Mother and I lived in a small town but a big house. When Mom and Dad got divorced we moved in with my mothers friend. She got in a car reck and she gave us the house. I miss her everyday since the accident but, I'm glad we have a place to live. 

"Mika, here is your breakfast." My mother said placing my food in front of me. "Thank you mom it looks good." I said grabbing my toast. "I'll be out tonight I have somethings to do." She said putting on her scarf. "I understand." I was upset that my mother went out every night looking for men. She would every now and then find a man and bring him home but she would always make me go to my room. My mother wasn't a heavy drinker but one day when she brought some guy over he but this thing in her drink and she smacked me because I wouldn't get out of the kitchen. 

That was the only time she hurt me besides leaving dad and making Eren and I separate. If I want to get rid of this pain I have to forget. Lose all emotion. "Mom before you go can we cut my hair alittle short?" I asked nervously. "Of course we can anything for you." She said taking me to the bathroom. She grabbed the scissors and began. "So how short do you want to cut it?" She asked holding the scissors in her hands. "About here." I pointed to my shoulders. "Alright." She took pieces of my hair and started cutting.

After we were done I looked up and saw my hair. It was short but beautiful. "Mother its beautiful thank you." I said but mom already ran out the house. I was alone in my bathroom. 

I took my clothes off and got in the shower. I sat in there for at least 10 minutes then washed my hair and body. When I got out  and put on a red tank top and blue PJ shorts. I was really tired so I got some water and a sandwich and went to my room. My room was blue with a green and blue bed spread. I have two red dressers and a walk in closet. I had two windows and a balcony. I loved being outside and watching the sun set but I was way to tired. I took my red scarf off and placed it on my night stand. Eren gave me the scarf, it was the last thing I had of him so I kept it. I layed down and slowly drifted off to sleep. 

I woke up and it was about 5-6:30 am. I was still tired so I didn't want to come out of my room I just walked to my desk and began to draw. I was really good at art so I loved to paint. I took out my paint brushes and a canvass and stared to paint. I painted the sky. The sky was so beautiful and peaceful but most important it was alone. No clouds and No one to make it sad. I began to cry. I was alone and I couldn't stop. 

I finished my painting and placed it outside to dry fast. I was an A+ student in art and Iv'e won at least 2 competitions. So I was really good. My mother walked in not to long after I finished. "Honey go to bed its late." She demainded me. "Alright." I walked to my balcony and closed the doors. I put my paints up and turned my light off. I slowly got into bed and went to sleep. 

Today was Sunday and that was my lazy day so I slept in till around 11am. It was 10:56am when I woke up. The sun was up and I could smell the food that my mother was making. I got my oranage and red shirt with black pants Once those were on I grabbed my scarf and wrapped it around my neck. I ran down stairs but instead of seeing my mother making me breakfast I saw a strange man. 

"W-who are you?" I questioned scared out of my mind. "Oh Hello, you must be Mikasa? Im Erwin nice to meet you." He said patting my head and finish making the food. "Would you like some?" He asked sturing the food. "Um-mm don't mind me asking but why are you here?" I asked sitting in my normal spot. "Oh I'm a friend of your mother." He said putting the plat infront of me. There were eggs and some toast. "Tha-ank you." I was confused as to why he was here. "were is my mother?" I asked. "She should be laying down in bed she said she wasn't feeling well." Erwin replied. I understood even though I was worried. "I'll go check up on her." I walked away but he grabbed me. "I'm sorry but I can't let you do that. I me-ean you'll get sick I don't want that for you." He said letting go of me. "Oh okay." I didn't undertsnad why he was acting like this but what bothered me was that this man I didn't know was making food.

Once I was done I quickly walked to my room and shut the door. 'what was that about?' I said to myself. 'Why am I getting so tired.' Before I was asleep I saw Erwin come in. "Mikasa whats wrong?" He ran up to me but I was asleep. 'So hot!' 

<><><><><>PLEASE READ<><><><><>

Okay so this chapter was about Mikasa and incase you didn't realize it she wants to forget about her past. About Eren, her father and, her real mother and fathers murder. So yeah anyway I hope you like this chapter and enjoy every other chapter Because I promise to make this as long as possible. 

K Baii Baii Guys =D

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