Chapter 59: The fall of Grisha

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Eren's Pov

My vision wasn't looking to well. Like one side of my vision was highlighted with Neon colors while the other side of my vision seemed normal.

At the moment everyone, even the army soldiers we fought were looking for Grisha. As us Survey Corps members searched the lower lab everyone else looking in the ruble and such.

I stood by my Mika as we searched. We didn't have time to explained why there are copies of the titan shifters but really I just need to focus on finding Grisha.

"Grisha," I called out but no answer. Mikasa and I walked into a lab room and saw water spread with glass all over the floor. A trail of shoe prints lead to a back room. I'm guessing Grisha walked through here and left this trail.

"Get the others, I think we found him." I whispered to Mikasa. She hesitated before running out the door in the hall way.

As I approached the door green light formed between the cracks and I felt like half of my body was being controlled!?

My arm by itself grabbed the door knob and opened it. Inside was Grisha! His eyes were glowing gold as he levitated off the ground. Long electrical wires connected into his body! I followed the wires and saw they were also connected to 3 tubes. Ymir, Reiner, Krista, and Berthold; I thought...

"My son, join me!" Grisha said as he rose his arm up and for some reason I levitated off the ground as well. My neck felt like I was chocking and the rest of my body felt numb.

Things got blurry as a bright light shined in. Pain, was the last feeling I got before things went dark.

3RD Person Pov

Mikasa ran calling for the other group members to come. Eren 2 and Mikasa 2 came out of one room while Armin, Annie, and Historia came from down the hall.

"Eren found Grisha and we have to hurry!" Mikasa explained as everyone followed her back to the room she came out of.

The floor near the door Eren and Mikasa found looked as if it was sinking and a bright light was shining in the cracks.

They all crept close as Armin radioed everyone to back away from the building.


A loud scream came from the other side of the room and without hesitation Mikasa jumped in the room but regret it deeply since she didn't have a plan.

Eren was fusing with Grisha but Eren didn't look like himself! An evil smile was pasted on his face as his eyes glowed.

"Eren," Both Mikasa's yelled. They looked at both of them and Future Mikasa's stomach started to glow. The baby Mikasa was carrying started to form as it was growing intensely. Pain shot all around her as the light shined through her eyes too.

Past Eren shoved his Mikasa behind him to protect her. Just when Mikasa started to cry and scream in pain Future Eren's eyes turned to green as he saw what was happening to his wife. Flashing back from glowing to green he tried to fight against his father's powers.

The 4 titan shifters that were locked in the tubes started to shake as the glowing light formed around their bodies. Armin saw Krista and Annie locked in them and without hesitation charged in to break them. The love of his life was in there.

He shot the tubes lock pads but had no luck breaking into them. Grisha who wasn't paying attention now saw Armin and used his powers to control Armin but Historia got in the way. She was lifted off the ground and slowly her neck started to crush.

"I don't know why I wasn't my time creating you." He said evilly before blood started to drain from her eyes, neck, and mouth. Armin looked in horror as his love was being killed all over again.

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