Chapter 40: Pain with a bullet

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Eren's Pov

Armin and Annie were trying to analyze where that building is in the paper. I was hugging Mikasa as she cried. Max meant the world to her so for him to be taken from her reach it kills her on the inside.

"Mikasa, come on, we have to work on this if we want to find him and her." I explained. She wiped her tears away and nodded. We walked over to Armin who looked happy but at the same time confused.

"What's wrong?" I asked him. "How the fuck can the same building by located in 19 different places!" Armin yelled... "Armin, dude just look at the photo more clearly and take apart each of the background objects then, decided of which location matches most! Narrow it down to only a few locations, we can send men to each area and then if one of them turns to be it we'll be ready." I explained. He nodded then started to work harder.

Now that I look at Armin more clearly he seems more Goth? Like, he's changed a bit, stronger and crazy! It's awesome!

"Okay, there are 4 places that I've narrowed down too." Armin explained. Mikasa smiled and ran over to him. She hugged him then looked over his shoulder to see. "Where is Max and May?" She asked. Armin smiled then pointed at each of these places. "Let's go we're going now!" She commanded.

"Alright Eren, go to 27 Bannaha Rd, an abandon house on the lake. Annie, you will be investigating this lake house, 64 Bannaha Rd, it's not abandon but no one is living in it as to it is a summer home. We already got a warrant to go inside. Sasha will be right next door to you, that house is for sale and we also got a warrant to investigate it. I'll be at 207 Laveran Dr, its right around the corner." She pointed and marked everyone to their assigned places at. "We'll send at least 15 men to search the perimeter and 10 men for investigation. There will also be 3 deactivating bombing experts in case there are any bombs with everyone." I explained. Everyone nodded.

"Grab your gear and let's head out!" I commanded. Everyone quickly grabbed their gear. (Gear: Mostly all the tools you would need to investigate a crime) Everyone split into their groups and we all set out. Before Mikasa got into the car I grabbed her wrist and hugged her. "Things will be okay..." I smiled. She nodded than left.

Annie's Pov

I sent my perimeter men out to investigate around the area, my investigations men to cover me and, the deactivating bombing experts. As we set out towards the building I noticed something flicker. Everything went in slow motion as the gun fire shot. I screamed as blood splattered everywhere... I fell to the ground... The last thing I saw was my men surrounding me and the bright sun. I looked to my left and saw another man.

"Ms. Leonhardt please hold on, Mr. and Mrs. Yeager Annie has been-" Everything went black and I couldn't hear anything. I thought I was going to die...

3rd Person Pov

Annie laid there as blood from her head dripped down on the cement. 1 bombing expert was shot but still alive... Annie... Was dead...

All radio communication was detonated as interference came in so they had failed to report Annie Leonhardt was shot and killed...

Sasha's Pov

I got to the field. Perimeter men had already been set out. After I got the 'okay' we set out towards to house. I was standing in front of the front door. 5 men went around towards to back while 5 stayed with us. I gave the 'okay' and we ran in. I looked around then heard something break. I quickly turned around but to only noticed my men knocking over a picture frame. I slammed my hand on my face but to soon only be glad they did as I saw... the timer...

45seconds were knocking down fast... I didn't know what would happen but all I could do was give the signal to get the hell out of the building. We were all in the living room that was also connected to the kitchen and the hall way. The windows were locked and so were all the doors. I was getting worried. The timer went off and everything got on fire. The glass was covered in gasoline and was now on fire.

I saw the wires set. If we broke the glass everything would blow up. It was getting hot, very hot. "This window isn't locked!" One of the detonators yelled over. I nodded but started to think why would she leave the window open, but with this situation I had no choice. We broke through the medium sized window and quickly got out. We all ran over towards the clearing of the house and that's when I heard a trigger. I looked down and I felt completely stupid as I noticed the trip wire on the ground that my foot was on. I backed away and heard the gun shot. It came from the house Annie was at. I then heard the other gun shots. I saw them pass my face as the bullets went past me. 3 gun shots went off and hit all 3 of my Bombing deactivation men.

I turned around and a bullet hit my side barely but still making a deep wound. I fell to the ground but dismissed this incident as I ordered my men to check on Annie. To make sure she was alright as my other men came to secure me and the bodies. (I know I made her seem more mature but nope)

I laid flat on the ground to ease the pain. That's when I was totally shaken to sense. "MY POTATO!" I yelled. I grabbed my potato in my pocket and started to eat it.

My men came back with sad faces before telling me what happen to... Annie...


Eren's Pov

"Alright men, we'll be heading in now." I assured them before going in. We got ready to go in but the building blew up! "What the fuck!" I yelled in stress and anger. My men looked at me and I could hear a shocking gasp run out their mouths. That's when I heard a faint few gun shots then loud gun shots. I turned my head and I saw the trap door flip revealing the hidden inside the tree. It was inactive and not able to fire... till it did. It was a fake joker gun that shot out a flag with the words 'All good things come with a price...'

I grabbed my radio but it was dead so that means we won't be able to communicate. "God dammit!" I yelled but then ran towards to building I was suppose to search in. It was on fire but I was alright with that because my son and his friend might be inside it. I dodged the fires but found no bodies so I quickly exited. I got out and ran towards my car. "Sir, where are you going?" A man asked. "My wife is at an abandon building without me! Where the fuck do you think I'm going?" I asked. He just had an idiotic look on his face as I started the car and left.

'Mikasa, please be alright...'

Mikasa's Pov

I approached then house slowly before stepping in. That's when I heard a car. I turned around fast but felt something cut my right cheek. I felt as the pool of blood dripped from my face and on my shoulder. Eren came out of the car with worry, fear, and anger... At the same time I heard a scream and without think I ran into the house as did Eren and my men. When my cheek was pierced 1 deactivation officer was shot down. I let the other 2 assist him as for I was trained in deactivating bombs.

I didn't see Max or May but I did see a bright yellow arrow. Of course we have a documenter to document everything but in this case we didn't. I followed the arrows to the bedroom at the end of the hall. I opened the door and there I saw Max. He and May were tied together in their chairs. I started to tear up as I ran over to Max who was now having a panic attack. I moved to bag over his mouth and let him catch some air.

"Max are you alright?" Eren asked as he removed the bag from May's mouth.

'I'm fine but...'


Yes, I know it's been awhile since I updated... 10-11 days.

I purposely did this because as you can clearly see I've worked really hard so I thought I deserved a break...

I've had a very rough 10 days. My ex boyfriend became my boyfriend again and my best friend became my enemy in war.

Anyway don't let my drama and bullshit get you down! Please enjoy my chapter! Leave and Vote and a Comment!

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