Chapter 42: Trapped, 3 days, and bodies...

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Eren's Pov

My eyes flickered open slowly. I could feel the smoke and dust spread over my eyes and lungs.



I coughed slowly so I could breathe more clearly. The dust cleared quickly but I felt the emotion of pain hit me. I looked down and saw that my right thigh had been pierced with some sort of sharp object. The left side of my waist was just crushed by a large piece of cement. Blood was dripping everywhere but I was more concern about where my wife was.

"Mikasa?" I called out but that call only turned into a whisper or a cry for help. I was on my stomach and could see Mikasa on the ground.

"Mikasa, please wake up." I called out louder. She was half way in the elevator. Her head was bleeding and the doors were crushing her body. I know this is bad but I picked up a small pebble and threw it at her to make sure she was alive since I was not able to get over there. Her foot moved then she gasped for air. She coughed slowly before attempting to get up but failing. "Eren..." She cried out for me. "Mikasa, I'm over here." I yelled over. She reached her head up and saw me. She was not able to stand or get up from her spot but we were able to see each other. She was slightly calm but began to panic.

"Eren, what happen?" She asked with a faint cry. "When the bombs went off... I guess the building collapsed on us. Ah..." I let out a sigh of pain as I explained. I tried to push the cement off of my side but had zero luck. "What are you doing?" She asked me. She looked at me with worry and concern, also with pain. "I'm trying to get this cement off of my left side." I'm totally about to give up on talking. "Eren don't you dare give up, keep talking to me!" She yelled. As if she knew what I was about to do... "If you stop talking your likely going to fall asleep and if you fall asleep, chances are with your condition, you won't wake up!" She explained with fear. "I... know..." I sighed.

*Time Skip*

About an hour of just sitting and waiting by I saw a flicker of light shine through the cracks of the broke ruble. Assuming that the explosion made us fall a few feet under. "Eren, Mikasa, you alive? Can you hear me?" A voice called out to us. "We are alive!" Mikasa and I both said. I looked down and saw that the blood was spilling faster. "Okay, it's me Sasha, a few of the officers and Navy soldiers are coming to save you!" She yelled down to us. "Tell them to hurry; I don't think I can last any longer!" I yelped to her. "Once I get you out... You're not going to like what will happen..." She explained with a bit uneasy twisted in her words. "Whatever, just please save Mikasa!" I yelled to her.

"I'm coming to save you right now. We'll drop down on the elevator to save Mikasa first." She yelled back.

"Mikasa, did you hear that?" I asked her. Her body moved but she didn't say anything. Did she pass out?

About 25 minutes later I heard a loud noise echo from the elevator shaft. I heard a loud noise above the elevator and realized what it was. The door on top of the elevator was removed and a rope fell down along with a pair of legs. It was Sasha.

"Sasha, get Mikasa!" I yelled to her. "I know what to do!" She yelled back. They used the clamps they brought along with them to open the elevator doors more. Sasha pulled Mikasa's body through and helped her up. Once Sasha had Mikasa on her feet she woke up. Mikasa hugged Sasha. Everything began to fade away slowly. All I could hear was a BEEEEP ringing in my head.

"Eren!" I heard a voice call out and that was the last thing I heard.

Mikasa's Pov

*Time Skip*

Eren had passed out from the loss of blood before they could get him out. My head had a nice clean cut across but I got some stitches so it should heal nicely. I'm more worried about Eren though. They manage to get him out in one piece but the wounds he received; he was immediately taken to surgery.

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