Chapter 11: Your black hair.

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<><><>Armin's Prov<><><>

I saw a girl with black hair sitting at one of the lunch tables. I noticed a guy walking up to the seat next to her. I guessed from the rush that she didn't like that guy so I quickly walked over to the seat and sat down. "Hello." I said to the girl before realizing who it was. "Armin!?!" The girl yelled soon hugging me. "Mikasa is that you?" I asked hugging her back. "Armin I missed you so much." She started to cry. "Mikasa I missed you too." I wiped her cheek and patted her head. "Where is Eren? Is he okay?" Mikasa asked me. "Eren is okay actually he-!" I was cut off by one of Mikasa's friends. "Sorry to interrupt but who is he?" The blonde girl asked. 

We sat down and everyone started staring at us. "Sorry this is an old friend of mine." Mikasa said stopping the silence in the air. "Hello my name is Armin." I said to the people sitting around us. "This is Annie my best friend, and that is Sasha and Connie." Mikasa introduced me to everyone. "Hello!" Everyone said to me.

I finished my food and walked to my class room. "I saw Eren walking in the hallway. "Eren guess what-!" I was cut off by Eren. "Armin we have the same class right?" He asked me. "Yeah we do." I answered. We walked to the class and took our seats. We sat at least 2 desk away from each other so it was still talking distance but I wanted to get to the top of the class so I had to stay focused. 

Eren kept throwing paper balls at me and walking past me on purpose to poke me. 'Eren stop poking me!' I yelled across the room. "Mr. Arlert please be quiet!" Mr. Erwin Smith yelled at me. "Sir I understand I'm sorry." I apologized to the teacher. 

After class I walked over to my locker. "Hey Armin I'm sorry about getting you in trouble earlier." Eren apologized to me. I could stay mad at him I'm to nice for that. "It's okay Eren." I smiled and closed my locker. "By the way Mik-" I was cut of by the bell for the next class going off. "Sorry Armin I got to go!" Eren said running off. "Alright." I walked to my class and started working. 

<><><>Eren's Prov<><><> 

This class is so boring. "Professor Hanji may I use the restroom?" I lied to her. "Sure Yeager." She smiled with a bright face. I walked out the door and ran down the hall way outside. "Finally fresh air!" I yelled walking to the railing on the roof of the school. I was so happy to get out of the class room when a voice interrupted my thoughts.

"I thought you were in the bathroom?" A girl with short black hair said. "Oh yeah haha." I rubbed the back of my head. "I always come out here." She said facing in the distance. He eyes were beautiful. I felt like I've seen those before. "You better get back to class." She sighed and looked back at me. "Lets go together." She smiled and we walked back to class. 

"Well I'm in this class so bye." The girl said. "Wait what is your name?" I asked her. "My name is Mik-" She was interrupted by her teacher. "Oh there you are get in here your letting the cold air out." Her teacher said as she closed the door. I walked back to class moments before the bell was about to go off. "Sorry it took so long there was... A long line in the bathroom!" I exclaimed about to laugh. "Oh okay just pack up your things." She commanded me. "Okay." I walked to my seat and got my bag.

Armin was waiting for me at my locker. "Hey how long have you been waiting?" I asked him. "Not long about a life time." He joked with me. "Armin your pathetic." I joked with him. We both laughed and walked to the outside yard. "Hey I got to do some extra study so I'll text you later." Armin said waving good bye. "Alright bye." I waved back to him. "I sat on the ground by an old oak tree. I was really tired and I had an hour for my break so I decided to take a small nap. 

"Wake up." A voice called out. "Huh?" I questioned as my eyes fluttered open. "Come on you can't sleep forever." The voice said again. "I'm awake stop yelling." I said annoyed till I realized whom was talking to me. "Hey I didn't get your name." The girl with black hair said. "Oh hey yeah I didn't get your name either." I said getting up from the ground.

"My name is...." I interrupted her. "Mikasa?" I asked surprised. "My name is Mik-asa." She fell to her knees and cried. "Mikasa I've missed you so so much." I said to her. I wanted to hug her so badly. I got down on one knee and hugged her tightly. She kept crying on my shoulder but hugged me back. She stop crying and looked me in the eyes. "I missed you more than words can put it." She said. "Just saying those few words mean everything." I said but then a teacher came and split us up. "Eren come meet me at this address and here is my number." She said handing me a piece of paper. We walked in different directions and that was the last I saw her. 


Alright so if you don't like this chapter I'm really sorry but If you do then I would like a comment but you don't have too. Anyway It's like 2:37 am so its so early. :3 Anywho Im bored and Im watching Fairy tail. IKR writing about attack on titan but watching a whole different anime lol. 

K Baii Baii Guys =D

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