Chapter 62: Breaking apart...

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Eren and Mikasa break up... The end...


Eren's Pov

Mikasa and I sat alone on the couch watching t.v. It was silent but it was a different kind of silence, like the kind were it's completely quiet but even so your happy that it's peaceful and you get to spend this time with that special person.

Of course after the first month of being here it was...'difficult.' I seriously wouldn't let Mikasa out of my grip! I felt bad after she had confronted me about it but at the same time I was just trying to protect her. 

~~~1 month before~~~

1 day of the month

"Eren, I'm serious; lay down and rest I'll be fine." Mikasa yelled as I stood still, after I had just struggled to get out of bed that is. I was planning to go with her to the store but she insist I stay in bed. Again...

"Eren, Max is gonna come with me and I'll be fine I promise." Mikasa assures as she lightly pushes me in bed. Her hands so soft and delicate (But could rip a human heart out in a minute) touched my wounded chest and I could see the hurt that flashed in her eyes.

"Fine I'll stay but; Please hurry back!" I agreed. I pulled the blanket over my shoulder and lied on my side. She sighed and shut the door behind her after walking out with Max and her purse. 

Alright, let's get dressed...


Alright, now it's not stalking if I just also happen to be here buying something! 

"Eren, I see  you." A voice yelled. Sounding like my wife and sounding very upset. I turned around slowly and she stood there tapping her foot while Max seemed to be dazed looking at food. I tried getting away yes but she just kept following me until she grabbed my hand.

"Eren, go home; I will be fine!" She yelled/whispered. I turned my head and saw no one was here so I came back to reply but she was detracted by Max putting food in the cart. I wanted to laugh but I know she's mad.




I laughed anyway!

"Hahaha," I laughed which made her even more upset. She seemed okay with it at first but soon just stormed off leaving Max with me. He seemed cool so hang with me instead of mom in which we were just gonna follow her around anyway.

02 day of the month

I sat back as Mikasa lied her head on my lap which was nice. No one was here and she was with me and only me. She was pretty upset about yesterday but seems cool now. 

"Hey, I think I'm gonna go get my nails done." Mikasa said as she got up from the chair and walked towards the door. I got up as well and started to walk out the door but Mikasa seemed to not want me to go since she just sat there. 

"Eren, I can go alone." She exclaimed. I shook my head and continued to walk towards the car, "Come on, Mika I just want to protect you." I explained. She didn't seem so happy and even tried to make a break for it through the back door. Of course I blocked her since she's pregnant but even so she could still run pretty fast. 

"Come on, I just want to protect you like- "

"Like yesterday when you stalked me?!" 

"No, well I didn't stalk you I just wanted to be with you!" 

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