Chapter 49: Why the smile?

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Eren's Pov

(Back to the present when Eren was thinking about Armin and stuff. I'm so sorry that everything screwing around...)

Now that I think about he has been a lot more cheerful lately. Even after losing his wife not long ago he still has a smile on his face. 'Maybe he met someone...' I'm not sure maybe I'm just being weird.

"Armin, get everything you can about my father and Claris. Get everything together and put it on my desk I'll review it tomorrow." I trailed off as I ran towards the elevator. No one else interrupt me I have to pick up Max and May!

I reach the garage and get into the car. That's when I got a call from Mikasa.

'Hey Mika!' I cheerfully say.

'Eren... Will you take me home?' She asked.

'Is something wrong?' I asked with a layer of worry mixed with my words.

'I'm just really tired and you have the car we both came in...' She chuckles at her words faintly.

'Yeah okay, right now I'm in the garage-' I cut myself off as I saw her open the door to the passenger seat.

'Shit Mika, you scared me.' I said into the phone. I smiled when she hung up on the call.

"Are you alright? You don't look so good." I asked still very worried. Without a word she moved my head and laid her head on my lap. I smiled as I brushed the now long hair out of her face. She feels hot...

"Mika, do you feel sick?" Now this is where I start to panic. "My head just hurts, I want to go home and lay down." She replied. I grabbed her hand and squeezed tightly. My poor Mika, what would I do without you...

I started the car, driving down the road I used my left hand to steer and my right to hold on to Mika's.

"Do you know about dad?" I asked. I could feel her nod slowly. "When was the last time you spoke to him?" I asked. She shrugged. "A long time ago my dear..." She answered which made me laugh a little. She probably hasn't spoken to dad since mom's funeral or even before that. I really refuse to speak to him after everything I had went through. The hell I went through as a child, living with him...

We got home quiet fast actually and Mikasa walked inside. I turned my head as I watched her walk in the building. She smiled before shutting the door.

"Time to go get Max and May..." I say to myself before starting to drive away. I would have walked with her to make sure she got home safe but she insisted that she would be fine and to get Max and May.

Armin... Are you really holding up alright?

Armin's Pov

(Back to 1 week after Krista died. When Armin ran into that mystery person)

"Are you alright Miss?" I asked as I helped her up. She was covering her face and didn't say a word. 'Is she okay?'

"Are you alright?" I asked tightening my grip on her wrist. She nodded multiple times before reaching for her glasses. Before she could I picked them up for her.

"Here..." I handed her glasses back. She nodded again then snatched them back. Now I'm sorry but I'm a person who doesn't accept rudeness...

"Excuse me, no need to be rude when I just helped you." I barked loudly. She looked up at me and I could see the tears falling down her face.

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