Chapter 54: Titans?!

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<I would like to make here that not all facts in this chapter are realistic but some are. I'm sorry if I spoil anything but... If you don't want any spoilers please don't read this chapter. Though you might not really understand the rest of the story if you don't. Actually if you skip this chapter then don't read any of the next chapters cause you gonna be one confused motherfucker ~Love you all~> <Didn't mean this as an insult>

Mikasa's Pov

"Titan," I asked interrupting Claris while she explained the story. She tilted her head with a confused facial expression. I stayed still thinking she would answer but she just continued to stare at me, like I was a clueless four-year old.

"Claris, w-what is a t-itan," I asked snapping her out of her thoughts, a smirk appeared on her face and she let out a half hearted chuckle. "I'm guessing Eren hasn't told you, let alone you recovering your memories." She answered still chuckling quietly to herself. Something about this made me worried, what does she mean by 'Eren not telling me, let alone me recovering my memories?'

"Claris explain to me, what does this all mean?" I asked worried and scared that something might be wrong with Eren and I. She sighed slowly before taking in a deep breath to explain,

"Long ago almost 2,000 years ago, giant humanoid creatures called Titans suddenly appeared and nearly wiped out humanity, devouring them without remorse or reason. The few remaining humans retreaded behind these walls, not really curious of where they came from took refuge behind them, cowering from the Titans. The names that were given to these walls were, Wall Maria, Wall Rose, and Wall Sina. These three walls protected humanity for at least 100 years; many people growing up without ever having seen a Titan. This all changed when one day, a giant 60-meter Titan mysteriously appeared after a strike of lightning and breaches the outer wall of the Shiganshina district, a town in Wall Maria, allowing the smaller Titans to invade the district. An Armored Titan smashes clean through Wall Maria, forcing mankind to abandon the land between Wall Maria and Wall Rose, evacuating the remaining population into the inner districts. The sudden influx of population causes turmoil and famine. Humanity was then falling to its knees, unable to regain enough strength to get back on its feet." She stopped, taking a rest after just saying so much information. I looked at her dazed, this all happen, and she knew, how?

"How do you know so much about this?" I asked but my voice tone made it sound like a command to give me an answer.

"What the fuck does this have to do with me, and Eren?" I rushed asking even more questions so I could understand what I was being told.

"Eren Yeager, his foster sister, Mikasa Ackerman, and their childhood friend, Armin Arlert were the heroes that saved humanity from these Titans. You are the reincarnation of 'Mikasa Ackerman.'" She explained with a smirk at the last part. Continuing to look down at her feet, she did not make eye contact with me while explaining.

My breathing became a problem for me as I started to panic, did Eren know about this?

"After the wall to their hometown of Shiganshina was breached by Titans, Eren watches in horror as one of them eats his mother. His rage breaks through him and he vowed that day to kill every Titan in existence." She continued finishing the story slowly.

"After Five years later, the three cadets graduated and are positioned in Trost District, one of the border towns jutting out of Wall Rose, when the Titans attack again. In the ensuing battle, Eren is eaten by one of the Titans before Armin's eyes. Eren that day was known to be dead." This story got more and more dramatic and hard to believe, which then made me worries slowly decrease.

"I thought you said Eren was going to wipe out the Titans?" I asked making a smug smirk knowing now; I got her in my trap. This was all a lie! If Eren had known this he would have told me!

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