Chapter 19: I love you...

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Eren's Pov

Mikasa was sleeping on my chest and looking adorable doing it!!ng it. "Mikasa?" I said shaking her shoulder. "Eren...stop...I'm sleeping." She said hitting my face lightly. "Come on or I'll pee on you!!" She jumped up and I ran to the bathroom. After my session I went out and saw Mikasa on the ground or at least trying to get up from off the ground. "Mikasa whats wrong?" I asked her helping her up. "I just got really dizzy sorry for worrying you." She answered me. "Okay well want to come to the store with me?" I asked her. She nodded and went to get dressed. I went to my room as well and got a red t-shirt and black skinny jeans. When I walked out Mikasa was just walking out of her room. "Lets go!"
Once we got there Mikasa grabbed a cart and I handed half of the list to her and we split up to make time fly faster. I was almost done I only had a few things left to get. "Okay last Cheese and Strawberries." I said to myself. I walked the rows looking for my stuff. When I got my stuff I went to the spot Mikasa and I said we would meet.

Mikasa's Pov

I finished my shopping and waited for Eren at our spot when the last person I wanted to see was walking towards me. "Mikasa I need to talk to you." He said, but I didn't listen. "Mikasa!" He yelled. "Keep your voice down." I yelled at him. "NO listen to me!" He yelled grabbing me by my shoulders. "Let.. go of me!" I yelled back at him and pushed him away. "No listen to me god dammit!!" He held his fist in the air and I tried to block myself but nothing happen. "I dont think thats a good idea." A voice said. I open my eyes and Eren was holding his fist. "What the fuck dude let go its non of your business!" He yelled at Eren. "It is since she is my girlfriend!" Eren yelled and my eyes widen. 'We are dating?' I thought. "If your dating kiss her!" Jean yelled. Eren looked at me, grabbed me by my waist and, kissed me.

After the kiss Jean ran of and didn't look back. We were still kissing at the moment and I could feel and blush come along my face. I pushed back and grabbed my cart full of food. "Lets pay for this and get back. " I said walking to the casher.

We finished buying our stuff and walked towards the car. "Eren did you really mean we are dating?" I asked kinda embarrassed. "Will you go out with me?" He asked me. "Of course." I didnt hesitate to answer. "Great then come here." He said. I walked over to him and he grabbed me and started kissing me. It felt good. He put his hands around my waist and I put my hands around his neck. He leaned me against the car. He pulled away moments later and said. "I love you!" "I love you too!" I answered him.

We got in the car after putting the food in the back and drove off. When we got home I put the bags on the table and started unloading them. Eren came from behind me and kissed my cheek. I blushed. We put all the food away and sat on the couch. I had a bowl of strawberries next to me. Eren sat down and leaned me back on his chest. "Lets go do something fun." He said. I really didn't want to but Eren dragged me along anyway. We went to the (Fun ZONE) (FOR THOSE WHO DON'T KNOW FUN ZONE IS A GO CART AREA WHERE YOU DRIVE GO CARTS.) I was beating Eren so many times in all the video games before we go race. "So Eren want to make a bet?" I asked him. "Sure what kind of bet?" He asked. "If I win this race you give me $50!" I said. "Deal and if I win you give me a.....lap dance!" I blushed roughly. "Deal!!" I answered. I knew Eren wasnt going to win so this was going to be easy!
We went to the first track we saw and got in line. When it was our turn of course with other people but still. I got in the #3 cart and Eren got in the #7 cart. We zoomed through the track till the last round.

Eren's Pov

I beat Mikasa just by a few inches. I win!! "I win!!" I yelled at her face! "Yeah, Yeah, but Eren do I have to?" She asked. "If you had won would you make me give you $50?" I asked her. "Well.." "Thats what I thought." I started walking to the next track when a guy bumped into me.

"Hey watch it Brat!" He said. "Brat? Who you calling brat?" I yelled at the man. "I talking to the kid that just bumbed into me." He said raising his voice. "Like hell I'm that brat you speak of. If thats anyone its you!" I said. But then a girl approached us. "Hey, whats going on?" She asked. "This idiot ran into me!" He complained. "Now I ran into you and Im an Idiot! Im glad your vocabulary has more words shorty." I said turning around and walking away. "What the.." He said running up to me and kicking the back of my leg making me fall. "Oh really now." I tried to run and punch him but Mikasa held me back as did the man's girl. "Levi stop!" She said to him. "Levi?" I asked. "What?!?" He answered rudely. "I was your student back then, Eren, Eren Yeager." I was glad to see he still haven't grown an inch. "Oh its you and Mikasa!" He got really excited when he said her name. "Hi sir!" She waved to him. They talked while I kept my distance still being able to hear them.

"So you are Eren?" The girl asked me. I looked at her. She was really pretty. She had ginger hair that was short to her shoulders and had Brownish eyes. "Yes, and you are?" I asked. "My name is Petra, Im Levi's Wife." She answered. "Oh!"

After our conversation and Mikasa's we walked our separate ways but Levi gave me a look when we pasted. "I fucking hate him."

We spent 3 hours at Fun ZONE till our time was up. It was 4:10pm when we left. I got in the drivers seat and Mikasa got in the passenger seat. We drove home with the music blasting loud. It was Mikasa's Favorite song, 'Perfect Two'. She was singing the whole song on the way home. "Mikasa if you keep singing that song it will get stuck in your head." I said but she wasn't listening. "Mikasa?" I yelled and she looked at me. "Mikasa if you keep singing that song it will get stuck in your head!!" I repeated. "It is!" She laughed back. "Oh.." I had no comment.

We got home and I was exhausted I went to my room and laid on my bed. Mikasa landed on my bed right next to me. I rolled over and looked at her. She poked my face and I looked at her. "What you doing?" I asked her. She didn't respond. She leaned forward and kissed me. I kissed back and held her head, bushing it down on mine. I started to lean forward and unbutton her shirt. I got 3 buttons undone and while I was doing that she was undoing mine. We continued to kiss for a period of time till the door bell went off. We didn't answer. She undid my belt then stopped. "Someone is inside." Mikasa said. We froze for a sec before I got up to see. "Its a cat at the open window." I pointed out.

I jumped back on the bed and she sat next to me. her shirt was open and I could see her red and black bra. She grabbed a black marker off the table and started to doodle on me. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I'm drawing duh.!" She said kinda confused. "I meant why are you drawing on me?" I asked leaning a little bit forward. "Because Eren, I want to." She said with a laugh at the end. "Oh okay." I said not really caring anymore. After she finished drawing on my I went to take a shower. "I'll be right back." I said letting her know I was leaving. "She gave me a thumbs up and I walked away.

"Mikasa!" I yelled. "What?" She yelled back. "It wont come off." I was yelling so much it was giving me a head ache. "I'm coming I can't hear you." She said. I could hear her foot steps come closer. "Whats wrong?" She asked. "It won't come off." I said still trying to get it off. "Can I come in?" She asked. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body "Sure." I answered. She walked in and blushed. "Oh.." Was all she could say. "Umm can you just help me get this off?" I asked feeling the blush go across my face. "Eren your using the wrong soap for these markers." She said, I felt stupid.

She took the soap to clean it off and started to wipe my chest. I looked down then back up blushing but also laughing. It tickled a lot. "Ha-ha-ha!" I laughed really hard. Mikasa flinched then looked at my annoyed. "Eren stop moving or your..-" She was cut off when I fell from the wet floor and we Kissed.

Mikasa's Pov

We kissed well he kissed me. I kissed back of course. He slid his hands around my waist and I leaned back on the wall. We kissed for a while till Eren went up my shirt. I turned around and pulled his head down so I wouldn't have to stand in my tippy toes. "Eren your still in a towel." I said. He looked down then looked at me. He picked me up bridal style and threw me on the bed. "Stay...Stay...-" I cut him off. "Eren I'm not a dog." I said. "I know cause then I wouldn't be able to do this." He said then leaned in and kissed me lightly. "Im putting on my boxers no peeking." He pointed at me. 'This guy I fell in love with..'

Haii so this might be good to some and might not be good to others idk. Anyone I'll be going to Michigan for 3 weeks and will be busy so idk if I will update then. but trying to get it up to chapter 25 cause it gets good by Friday.

K Baii Baii Guys =Do

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