Chapter 56: Rescue with Clues

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Chapter 56: Rescue with clues

Mikasa's Pov

My head down facing the ground, my hands still tied behind my back, I sat there hoping for Eren to bust through the door and save me, kiss me, tell me he loves me and will never let me go...

A loud bang hit the door then the door knob slowly twist and a body fell to the floor. It was Annie?! Of course I already knew she was alive but I expected her to be long gone, no where near here.

"You could have stayed with us Annie, stayed by our side and faught to be a god!" Reiner yelled at Annie as he kicked her. Her lifless body flew across the room and hit the wall.

"Annie!" I called out towards her but no words came from her. The door shut slowly as Reiner had tears fall from his face.

"Annie?" I questioned softly to see if she was alive or just uncontious, maybe even dead...

"I'm sorry Eren..." A whisper spoke. My gaze shot up towards her and she had blood dripping from her mouth, eyes closed, tears falling from her eyes.

"Annie, where is Eren? What do you have to be sorry for?" I asked, before she could answer she had passed out.

Silently you probably couldn't tell but I was extremely worried for Eren but at the same time I was upset. Eren didn't mention any of this to me, not the memories or titans, it makes me wonder if he's hiding more from me...

More noises came from outside of the door but nothing came in the room. The room started to shake and it sounded like the whole place was going to break, collapse.


The screaching rawr rang through the room and Annie shot up like a rocket. Her hands were tied behind her back but as quick as she appeared the ropes loosen and broke. Her wrist had scars left from the rope and being kicked around. I didn't ask any questions about how she broke free I just wanted her to untie my ropes.

"Eren, he's turned into his titan form!" Annie yelled as she rushed over towards me, untieing the ropes the were around my wrist and legs.

"I really need you to stay in this room, I don't know whats going on out there but sure as hell if you got hurt maybe because of Eren he's going to kill himself!" Annie yelled, pushing me back down on the chair, and placing both of her swollen hands on each of my shoulders.

"No Annie, if Eren is out there in his titan form I need to help him, protect him." I arugued back at her. She sighned, turned around, and walked towards the door. I followed behind her but I knew that once the door open hell would break through.

"I'm sorry Mikasa..." Annie spoke and the door flew open. Part of the building was broken down but no one was inside or at least from what I could see.

Annie pulled out a gun and handed it fermly to me. I checked the clip and saw it was full loaded.

We krept around the hallway and saw a some blood on the floor. I had asummed maybe it would be Girsha, Claris, Reiner, or even berthold.

"I don't know really what to do now since the plan fell apart. Eren promised he wouldn't turn into a titan but-" She was cut off as the sound of something heavy fell to the ground. The ground began to shake and Annie and I fell to the ground cutting me knee.

After the breaf moment of the ground shaking it stops and Annie runs out to the scene leaving me inside. I know she wasn't trying to be rude but we had more important things to worry about...

Annie's Pov

*About an hour before Annie was kicking into the room Mikasa was helled in*

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