Chapter 20: We are over.

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Mikasa's Pov

Something has been bothering me for a while or its more like I'm suspicions. Eren has been acting in some what, weird. For example the other day he didn't want to kiss me at all and it wasn't just yesterday its been happening for 2 weeks. It started right after him and Annie had to do a project together.

**2 weeks ago**

Eren and Annie were assigned a project together in science and I was partnered with Armin, which was cool since we were friends. Eren would mostly go to her house instead of ours. It was Saturday and Eren got a text from Annie saying, (Hey want to come over?) I could see the text from where I was sitting. He got up and left without saying anything. 3 hours went by and he wasn't home so I called him. "Eren where are you its late?" I asked but it was a voice mail. Another hour went by till he came home. "I was worried Eren where were you?" I asked sternly. " I was out." Was all he said before walking to his room. A few days went by since and sometimes I would see Eren on the phone with someone for hours. It was Monday the worst day ever and Eren hated Mondays but for some reason he was really happy. He even left without me to get to school.

I was walking in the halls when I saw Eren at Annie's locker talking. Annie was kinda blushing. I didn't want to be rude so I calmly walked over to them and smiled. "Hey guys!" I said with a bright face. "Oh hey Mikasa!" Annie greeted me and Eren just waved. "Okay well Annie want to sit with me at lunch?" I asked. "Umm cant..I have plans with Eren." She answered rather awkwardly. "Oh okay.." I walked away and went to my locker. 'That was weird' I thought to myself.

**Present time**

Here I am now getting dressed while Eren is about to be out the door. "Hey Eren want to-" I was cut off when I heard the front door shut. "Go to dinner?"

I got to school and didn't see Eren or Annie anywhere. I got to class, sat in my normal seat and waited for the day to be over. After class I went back to my locker to get my math book out. I still haven't seen Eren! I was starting to be worried. Class, after class, after class went by and I still didn't see them anywhere. It was lunch time. I decided to eat alone today and sit on the roof of the school. I was walking up the stairs when I heard two voices.

"I cant believe we skipped all of school." One of the voices said. "I know right this was so cool." The other said. I peeked my eye over to see who these people were and couldn't understand why it was Eren and Annie. "Eren, I love you!" Annie said. My heart fell to pieces. "I love you too, Annie." Eren said then kissed her. My eyes widen I couldn't hold it back and I started to cry. I ran back down stairs and into the lunch room. I cleared my face before walking in though. "Mikasa were you crying?" Armin asked. I nodded in response to yes. "Why what happen?" He asked getting up and letting me sit in his seat. "Just hurt my knee walking in the halls." I lied. Everyone was re leaved that I was okay but really I wasn't.
After school it started to ran. I walked home slowly in it. I didn't care at all if I were to get sick. 'I just want to get home'

When I did get home Eren was there and for the first time he looked worried. He noticed me as I shut the door. "Mikasa I was so worried where were you?" I ignored him and walked slowly to my room. "Mikasa?" He yelled. I didn't respond till he grabbed my wrist. "What?" I yelled very loudly. "I just want to make sure you are alright!" He yelled back. I ripped my wrist away from him. "Yeah Eren I'm fine, Happy?" I sarcastically said. "I would be if you weren't lying to me!"

He stormed to his room and I walked to mine. I took all my wet clothes off and took a shower.

After my shower I grabbed a black tank-top and gray shorts. I laid in bed and was soon asleep. When I woke up It was 2:00am. "Damn that was long." I said to myself. I walked down stairs and saw Eren on the phone. I stood there watching wondering who he was talking to. "Alright. I love you too." I heard him say. 'He is with another girl or with Annie or... Idk?' I thought to myself. I walked down the rest of the stairs as if I just got up and walked to the kitchen. "Why are you awake?" I heard Eren ask. "I'm not tired anymore.. Got a problem?" I asked rudely. "Yeah I got a problem with you and how you are being a Bitch." He said and my eyes widen. "If you got a problem..Leave!" I yelled. "What?" He was shocked at what I said. "Then L-leave." I said getting my water and walking away. "Come here." He yelled. I stopped moving and looked at him with tears coming down my face.
"Why would you say that?" He asked. "I said it cause I mean it." I said wiping the tears off my face. "No tell me the reason you would say that!" He asked no, he demanded. "You cant demand things from me when I deserve the truth!" I yelled walking towards him.

"What truth? About what?" He looked so confused. I was stressed. "You and Annie is what I want the truth about." His eyes widen then looked down. "Me and her are just flirting." He said really disappointed. "Really? Flirting my ass. People that flirt while having a girlfriend dont say 'I love you' to each other and call each other at 2 in the fucking morning!!" I was about the kill him. (Not really) "Then.." He had no way out of this. "Its over Eren how about that!" I said walking back up to my room. "I love you though Mikasa!" He yelled back. "Eren! Its over! Me and you are done!" I yelled and walked up stairs to my room. I could hear him coming after me so I locked the door and slid down the door. "Mikasa, Mikasa, Mikasa, Mikasa!" Was all I remember Eren yelling and banging on the door for hours. I fell asleep but Eren was still talking.

I didn't come out of my room for awhile. I went to school but wouldn't talk to anyone. After school I would go straight to my room and wouldn't come out. I got food every once in a while when Eren wasn't home but other then that nothing. I turned my phone off because Eren wouldn't stop calling and texting.

Our high school graduation was coming up and I was not prepared for that. "Okay class you all know Thursday is graduation so wear nice clothes." The teacher said before dismissing us. I walked quickly to my locker but there stood Eren waiting. "Mikasa we need to talk." He said rushing over to me. "Yes we do Eren." I actually wanted to tell himself. "What is it?" I asked him. "I love you and I stopped Annie's and I flirting.." He began. "Let me stop you there. Eren I'm going to college and I'm moving there. So you don't have to leave I will." I began. "I'm going to move to Florida and I won't tell you were I'll be at because I don't want you there with me." I said. "Mikasa I want to be with you please dont leave me." He begged. "Im sorry Eren but Iv'e already been accepted." I walked away leaving him there.

"Hey Mikasa did you get accepted?" Armin asked me. "Yeah I did and you know I did." I said excitedly. "Yay I can't wait." He said jumping like a fan girl. "Hey so what did you say you wanted to me. "I want to be a scientist." He said. "Oh yeah I told you want I wanted to be?" I asked. "Yeah you wanted to be a cop for the L.A.P.D or a Survey corps." (Thats like the CIA) He answered. "Yeah well Im going home bye." I waved and so did he.

I got home and went straight to my room as I did every other day but.. I went to my room and locked the door but Eren was sitting on my bed. "Hey!" He said scaring me. "Why are you here I have to get ready for graduation?" I said. "I need to talk to you." He softly said. "What now?" I asked. "I want to ask if you could be anything when you grow up what will it be?" He asked. "Im going to be a cop with the L.A.P.D or a Survey Corp." I answered. "Okay.." He walked away and I laid on my bed. "I love you!" He said before shutting my door.

'Do you really?'


You like it or nah. So yeah I made then break up but I promise they get back together, they always get back together. Leave a like and a comment and maybe I'll shout you out.

K Baii Baii Guys =D

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