Chapter 39: He's... gone...

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Eren's Pov

Mikasa and I approached the home after stepping out of the car.



Mikasa knocked on the door slowly. We waited for a few minutes then again. Someone opened the door but was not who we expected...

"Hello?" The man asked. "Excuse me, we are Survey Corps, we just need to speak with Mrs. Margret." Mikasa explained to the strange man. The man nodded. "Hi, I'm John! I was just about to call the police anyway, so glad your here." He smiled then gestured us in.

"Why were you about to call the police?" I asked him. Why would he do that? "My girlfriend hasn't come home yet... She's been gone since yesterday." He explained. "What?" I Mikasa asked. So Claris has been gone since the day everything happen? Sounds strange...

"So, is there something you need?" He asked. "What can you tell us about Claris Margret?" I asked him. "Just call her Claris, and she was talking in her sleep the night before she left something about 'revenge'." He explained. Her username was revenge...

"She got really mad when it became her... Sons... birthday. She started to spend a lot of time on the computer then she bought a laptop and left." He explained with all the details he could. Mikasa then leaned over to me.

"Eren, she did it." She whispered. "I think so too." I whispered back. "Excuse me but, I need to tell the truth... She told me she was going to kill a lot of people but she promised me that she will always love me." He smiled at the thought.

"Well, when she was talking about all that stuff she destroyed 4 navy ships..." I explained to him. He didn't look shocked? "I figured..."

*Time Skip*

Mikasa's Pov

I was filling in my report on what I investigated in. I flipped though the papers and found something interesting... "What is that?" Eren came from behind me with a kiss on my cheek. "A NOTE..." I looked at the note and started to read

~~The note~~

You talked to my boyfriend? Cool! It's true I blew up the ships for my son, but it seems you have a problem with getting in my business so make sure you watch your damn backs! Be careful for what you do, I am watching, your every move! ;)

~~End of Note~~

"Eren?" I asked him. He took the note and started to walk towards his desk. "Hey Mika I know its not the time but here." He handed me a piece of paper.

I read the note then a blush of pure red came to my face. "I'll talk to you at home." I smiled. He smirked and started to analyze the note.

"It does have her finger prints on it, but it looks like its fresh. I'll need to have Armin figure more of it out." He explained. "Hey it's five, you staying late?" I asked him. "I might stay a little late." He smiled then started to read more. Everyone was already leaving.

"Bye guys!" He smiled. I turned my head to see Armin waving to us. "Armin!" I looked over in the other direction where I heard the yell and saw Krista coming up from the elevator and running towards him. She hugged him then kissed him. "Hey babe!" He smiled then kissed her again.

"Wow what's with you guys?" Eren asked. "It's our anniversary." I was shocked! When is our anniversary?

"Oh cool!" Eren smiled then started to stack his work. They left shortly as did Annie and Sasha.

The day I met herHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin