Chapter 51: She's Gone...

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3RD Person Pov

Once Eren got in the door everything he feared most sat in front of him. His father, though Eren may have seemed brave he was actually terrified of his father!

"Hey son!" My father spoke happily. I stood straight not moving a muscle but after several seconds I reached for my gun.

"No son, I wouldn't do that!" My father said as he pointed a gun at Mikasa's Stomach! "No don't you dare!" I yelled at the top of my longs shooting death glares at him. He chuckles?

"Son, it's about time we do some catching up, come sit." He says using his free hand to motion me towards Mikasa. As I'm putting the gun back in its holster he loads the gun, probably because he doesn't want me to have my gun...

"Fine, relax I get it." I say as I place my gun on the table. I walk over next to Mikasa and set on the arm rest. I look at Mikasa as she laces her hand with mine.

"So now, what's the relationship between you two?" My/our father asked. I looked at Mikasa then back at him. "We're married." I blankly say. He looks shocked but shrugs it off.

"Anyway, tell me a little about yourselves!" Damn this guy... 'Tch...' I flick my tongue. I look at Mikasa and she nods her head.

"Eren and I became police officers, then Survey Corps officers, we dated again, and we got married after awhile. It was a nice day. A man named Levi Ackerman came and attacked. I thought he killed Eren and that was the worst feeling ever. Before that though we fought against Rosara! She was a woman on the most wanted list. She did suicide and in doing so she damaged Eren pretty bad. To a point that we thought Eren could have died. That was also only one of the worst feelings I've ever had in my life.

Before that, before Eren and I even dated again I met someone. His name was Max. When I met Max it was around the same time that I had gotten a promotion and Eren became my partner.

There are just so many things that had happen in my life..." She explains with a tint of joy. I couldn't help but to smile really but right now isn't the time to smile. "Where were you dad?" I asked trying to get whatever I can out of him. He sighed.

"Well, after Eren left I decided to settle down... I met someone! Things got complicated and in all the frustration and anger, I killed her. Do you know what it's like to have that feeling, the feeling of someone's life in your hands?" He spoke clearly with a smile.

"Mikasa doesn't know but I, I will soon!" I confidently said. He smirks.

"Well, after that I decided that I would come see your mother. Not really sure what my intentions were at the time but all I knew is that I wanted to see her. I boarded a plane and set to see her. Once I got there I didn't really know how to find her so I called in a friend, 13th Commander Erwin Smith. He's the leader of the Survey Corps. He, at the time was dating so I flipped but I didn't really show sign of it. About 3 weeks of hanging around and stuff I thought it would be nice if he took a vacation. Once he did I took my chance. He had told me about Carla and where she was living so I went over there. I watched as she talked on the phone and she look like she was enjoying it.

I walked in right as she hung up the call. I thought I could have small talk with her but as soon as she saw me she panicked and tried to run.

I don't really know what came over me at that time but I guess I just snapped probably over the jealousy of her dating someone else. I killed her." He explained, shrugging at that last part!

"How could you?" I asked/yelled! He looked stunned at my sudden outburst but shrugged that off too!! "Dammit father, what is your problem?" Mikasa asked/yelled.

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