Chapter 13: My injury.

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Mikasa gave me a piece of paper and quickly ran to her next class. I ran to my next class as Well. I had Mrs. Hanji, my science teacher. She loved to make us study and tell us tales about her life as a scientist. I rushed to class when a girl with blonde hair stopped me. "He-llo is your name Eren?" She questioned me. "Yes I'm Eren. Is there something you need?" I answered her. "Can you come to this class room after school?" She asked me. Before I could say anything she ran away and Mrs. Hanji came a threw me back in class. "You're late Eren." She said in a calm but angry voice. "Sorry Mrs. Hanji I promise I'll be here on time tomorrow."I smiled while patting the back of my head. I walked in the class and sat in my normal seat in the back of the class by the open window.

After class I walked straight to my locker to get my shoes so I could meet Mikasa. As soon as I got there I remembered a girl with blonde hair asking me to meet her somewhere. I looked at my watch and saw I had enough time to meet her too. I took my school shoes out of my locker, put them back on, and walked to the class room she asked to meet. No one was there when I got there just an empty class room. I thought to wait a minute for her. I sat in one of the seats.

I pulled out my home work for all my class and began doing the most easiest things I waited for a period of time till I decided that I should get going. I picked up my things and left. No one came and it was a waste of my time. I walked back to my locker and left. I walked to the front gate and looked at my watch. It was 6:37 pm. I had to hurry to Mikasa. I reached for my phone and tried to call Mikasa. When I did it seemed that her phone was off. I walked to our meeting spot at a normal paste till I was almost there. I walked around till I found the spot. It was an old bridge close to the ocean. The view was beautiful.

Mikasa's Prov

I waited all day for this stupid kid to come but he didn't. "Please let me leave now." I asked the teacher again. "Fine just go, I'll she you for dinner." He waved me good bye and I left. I walked to get my stuff as fast as I could. When I got to my locker Jean was waiting there. 

"What do you want I'm busy!?!" I asked him in an annoyed voice. "Will you go out with me?" He asked. I kept walking and he kept chasing me. "No I wont go out with you." I yelled at him. "Fine!" He said and walked away. "

I grabbed my scooter bike and zoomed away. It was getting really late but it didn't matter to me. "I'm almost there." I said to myself. As I approached the bridge when I saw a car. Before I knew it I was hit by it. I remember a lot of blood coming from my head. Was I going to die? I asked myself. "Mikasa! Mikasa!" I heard a voice call out to me but I couldn't see who. I then pasted out on the cement.

I woke up being rushed in the hospital. On my right I saw my mother and on my left I saw the Eren. I looked up at the ceiling and then looked back down. I was rushed through the emergency room and was being prepared for surgery. The last thing I saw was the nurse putting the mask on my face.

When I woke up I was in a different room and there were three people surrounding me. "He-llo." I was scared and my voice was scratchy. "Mikasa! Mikasa! "The women said to me. Who are you talking too? I questioned to myself before speaking again. "Who? Are you? "I asked. She started crying in the older man's arms. "Mikasa, do you know who I am?" The brown haired boy asked. "No." He then covered his face and walked out of the room with the women and man following him.

*The Next Day*

I had been told I was in the hospital and that the women and man were my mother and father. They came back every few hours. I couldn't remember anything but a voice. "Whose voice was that?" I asked myself that over and over again. "Mikasa you have visitor." The nurse said bringing the boy in. I was also told my name was Mikasa Ackerman, a high school student, age 15. "Hello." He said to me. "Hi." I smiled to him." Mikasa do you know who I am?" He asked me. "No. But I do remember you from yesterday. "I said to him."Oh okay."

He talked to me for hours until visitor hours were over. "Good-bye Mika." He said kissing my head and walking out of the room. "Who is he?" I said quietly but he heard me. "I'm Eren." He said. Eren was his name. Why does he seem familiar? My head started to kill me. I decided to take a nap. 

Went by and I was able to walk. Tomorrow I was going hom and if I want to I can go to school. I was really happy. That boy Eren, came back every day to see me. I was really happy about that. I soon only wanted to be with him. It made me really happy. I was drawing some doodles in this art book when Eren came to see me. I moved my book and pencils out ouf the way and looked at him. "Hey, Your looking as beautiful as ever." He said holding my hand. "Im sorry I cant remeber who you are but I really want to." I said holding back my tears. "Don't cry I want to see those pretty grey eyes." He said wipping the tears away from my eyes. "There." He smiled in the most adorable way. "Thank you." I replied. 

We just talked like we always did when I thought hit me. "That scarf in your hand." I pointed at it. "Thats mine." I said. "Yeah it is your scarf." He looked down at it with a sad expression. "I gave it to you when your mother and father died. Your real parents. I saved you and you lived with me till my parents got divorsed. You went with my mother I was forced to leave with my father." He said to me with a plain expression. He wraped it around my neck and smiled. "Eren.." I didn't know what to say. "Enough of that sad stuff lets do something fun." 

He said getting really excited. He walked out of my room and came back 10-15 minutes later with lots of blankets and sheets. "What are we doing?" I got out of my bed and he handed me half of the blankets. "We are building.... A mega, awesome, spectacuar, blanket fort!!" He said. My face went blank for a minute. "Hahahaha." I couldn't stop laughing. "Okay Eren lets do this!" We started setting the blankets all over the room. Once we had finished we put all kind of stuff inside. "So this is your room and this is my room?" I asked Eren. "Yep but I dont like being alone.." He said making puppy dog eyes. "Fine you can be in my room." I said. We cralled to my room and we were able to stand. I had the light shine right about it so we cut small holes in it. "There." I said. We then sat around listening to music and talking.

After that the nurse cleaned up the fort while we went out in the hospital yard and played around. Eren had water ballons in his jacket pocket so we decided war was coming. I got the blue and he got the green water ballons. We filled them each up and began the war. "We are not friends we are now ememys." I said. "You know you take this way to seriously." Eren said. I threw a water ballon at him and I missed. "You got lucky." I yelled at him. He threw one back at me but I hid behind a tree. "Haha missed!" But he hit me in the face with one big blue one. "I missed?" He questioned with a smerk on his face. 

We threw water ballons back and forth at each other till I had to take my meds. Eren was soeking wet while I only was drentched. "Oh Eren I'll be leaving the hospital tomorrow!" I said with excitement and Eren's face lit up even more. "Yay!!" He hugged me. "Stop your all wet!" I said pushing him away. "Oh really then come here." He chased me all around my hospital room. He had to leave and change but he promise to see me tomorrow when I leave.

I was really happy to hear he would be here tomorrow but everything change that night. All the doctors ran past my room to a women being carried to the Emergecy room. As they came closer I could see the face of who it was. "Mom!!" I yelled.

Sorry I havent updated in a (long) time but this actually happen to me. I didn't loose my memory I just got really hurt and had to go to the hospital. I did have a friend visit me but it was a girl. My mom also did not go to the hospital and I wasnt there for weeks. lol. Anyways.

K Baii Baii Guys =D

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