Chapter 22: 6 years and what?

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Mikasa's Pov

Its been 6 years. I graduated Collage with Armin and became a full police officer. I worked with Armin for awhile but he got promoted a year ago to be a national scientist with the Survey corps to dissect and help figure out whats killed that person. I remained a normal police officer solving crimes in Florida. I was assigned to work in California for a summer and ended up transferring there. I solved a mass murder and drugged thief a was congratulated by everyone. Life was nice and lonely.

"This is Mikasa Ackerman responding for back up. Will be there shortly." I said in to my walky talky before rushing in my car to the scene. Once I arrived I realized how serious the case was. "Sir please stay calm. " Other officers were yelling to the man about to jump off a sky scraper. "Sir back up is here." I said reassuring him that someone responded. "The man is refusing to come down and says if we go up he will jump." The officer explained. "Sir!" I yelled to the man. " My name is Mikasa I would like to come up and talk to you." I said. "Is it just you coming up?" He asked. "Yes, just me!" I explained. "Fine but dont try anything funny." He said.

I walked up the steps slowly and aproached him slowly. "Sir please step down from the railing." I asked. "No I dont deserve this world." He said about to cry. "Please take my hand." I said as I reached my hand out towards him. He slowly reached forward and grabbed my hand. "I'm going to pull you forward now." I said showing him my actions.

"Okay." He said and I began to lead him towards me. "See nothing wrong." I said and he hugged me but not just a hug. "Mikasa watch out!" Another officer yelled making the man scared and run and.. jump off the ledge. "NO!" I yelled running towards the edge. "MIKASA!" The officer called out. "Its all your fault." I began. "Its all your fault he could have lived!" I pushed him and other officers pulled me back. "He could have lived."

After that I went home early and took shower. Many people have died while I was working. "Hi Kiwi!" I said petting cat. She is a calico and is super fat. "Oh hey Story." I said as I snuggled up to my dog. She is all white and is super soft. "Have a good day?" I asked my dog and she waved her tail. "Im hungry are you? You hungry?" I asked as I walked to the kitchen. "Come here!" I commanded in a friendly tone so they would come here. "Okay here you go. " I gave Story and Kiwi their food and got me some as well. I was 23 living alone in an apartment, not far from work.

I walked to my couch and ate my sandwich while watching my usual nerdy stuff. Major crimes, Anime and, some scary stuff here and there. I loved my job and I hoped it wouldn't change but my goal was to get in the survey corps and find who killed my mother and someone else mother. "Eren.." I said softly. I let out a tear and almost cried. I missed him and I still loved him. "Oh Eren if only I could undo what I did." I said to myself.
I walked to my room and went to bed. Story and Kiwi soon came up to me and slept with me. It was a calm night again.
I went to work happily and started to work. I potrolled the town up and down till lunch time. I walked to Wendys and ordered my food. When I got back to the car I was called for duty. I rushed down the street and could see several heads hanging from street lights. "What is this?" I asked in fear. "Someone is on a killing stree." The officer explained. I looked over and saw a van drive away super fast. "Hey!" I yelled and rushed to my car. I chased after them while turning on my sirens and lights.

"Im requesting back up on speed way nine. Im currently chasing a full black van with black windows speeding." I said into my walky talky.
I look over as 3 more cop cars come. We chased the man till he hit several cars and I made the other officers go to their aid. I chased the van for 3 hours till the van suddenly stopped moving and two men dashed out of the van and ran. I pulled out my gun and shot one in the foot causing him to fall. I looked over and the other guy was gone. I didn't get a good look but that didn't matter. "Sir you are under arrest."

1 month after the arrest things died down and I was at a bar drinking my beer when a guy started to hit on me. I paid for my drink and walked to my car avoiding anyone. When two guys jumped . I pointed at my beige and they backed away.

Just with that huh?

When I got to work I was informed of a murder that happen last night.

I walked to were most of everyone was and saw the board. (The board is were they post pictures and information about the case)

When I saw where the murder happen I quickly made my way to the chiefs office. "Sir may I speak with you?" I asked knocking on the door quietly. "Come in." He said letting me enter the room.

"Sir can I please see the file for this murder?" I asked. "Why?" He asked questioning my action. "Well the report on the board says the body was found near my apartment and I'd like to see if that's true." I explained. "Here but be careful." Be careful? What? Why should I be careful-

I fell the to ground and went unconscious. I heard a gasp and my chief yelling my name as I went down.

When I woke up a man with brown hair and turquoise eyes. "Sir I think she's alright." He said. "We can't have our best go down before the mission." The chief says helping me up. "No sir." I said. "Good; you see I told you she would be fine." He exclaimed.

But I wasn't fine but I can't let him down. "Sir about the mission.." I was cut off when. "Oh yes here do you want to file back?" He asked handing me the file. "Um yes but I'm sorry that I was unaware of this murder." I explained. "Oh that's okay now the survey corps are joining us and here's your partner." He said walking away. "Sir?" I was then cut off when he shut the door. "Hi." The guy said. He was one of the survey corps. "Huh? Sir!" I said honoring him. "What? Oh it's okay. Did your boss not tell you yet? " tell me what?

Hey guys so I know I'm a terrible person for not updating in a while but I lost my book that had all my notes in it and I couldn't figure out what I was going to right and I didn't want to mess my stuff up so I couldn't update and j know this is small but yeah. And Eren and mikasa will be in love shortly after Eren's jealousy kicks in.... not telling the rest really tired!!

Baii Baii Guys =D

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