C h a p t e r 14

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Chapter 14 : MadelynMonday, July 19th, 2021

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Chapter 14 : Madelyn
Monday, July 19th, 2021

"Madelyn, let's go!" Hailey laughs as she, Alec, and Aaliyah move past the long line of people, heading straight for the nightclub's entrance.

The two girls really had needed multiple hours to get me ready for tonight, finishing with my hair styled, makeup done, and a tight black dress on my body that left nearly my entire back exposed.

This is the most dressed up I've been in probably well over a year, and I couldn't help but feel like I'd just gotten a part of me back I forgot even existed.

The hungry look I received from Alec when he saw me only added to that feeling.

Rushing over to them the best I could in my heels, the bouncer doesn't even check the list in his hand, stepping aside to let us through.

Hailey and Aaliyah walked in first, but just as I went to follow, Alec stopped me and grabbed the bouncer's attention.

"Remember her face. She is welcome here anytime free of cost. Make sure the others understand that as well by the end of the night please." Alec says and the bouncer with the name tag reading Tony takes a quick moment to look at me before nodding his head.

Satisfied by this, Alec loops his arm around my body before finally leading me inside the nightclub.

Everything I saw and read online proves itself to be true as I take in the sight before me. Despite it being a Monday night, the place is packed with people.

This isn't my first time going to a club, but none have ever come close to this.

Alec must notice my amazement as he leans into my ear.

"Like it?" He asks, loud enough that I can hear him over the loud electric music.

"You seriously own this?" I say, not seeming to believe that someone as young as him could create something like this.

I actually have no clue how old he is, but I would guess he's somewhere in his late twenties, early thirties.

"Let's grab you a drink and I'll introduce you to some of your coworkers." He offers instead of answering my question.

When I spot the blue lit bar, I see that the people working there are dressed in the same uniform I was given at the house. The men wear the same colours, just in the form of pants and short sleeved shirts.

Xavier hadn't actually asked if I had bartending experience before giving me the job, but thankfully I do. Considering how fast paced everything seems, it'll come in handy.

"Hey Mr. Sawyer, what can I get for you?" One of the girls says immediately as we walk up to the counter.

"I'll just grab the usual, thanks. And she'll have a..." He says, allowing me to respond for myself.

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