Toxic venom• mob TH

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Summary: your job as a stripper hasn't been to overwhelming, but what happens when the owner of the club pays his first visit.
Warnings: swearing, mob!tom being hot asf, lil angst, fluff, stripper club.
Word count: 2025

Your POV:
My job here at 'mostly deadly' wasn't exactly a breeze. I worked as a stripper, I loved dancing as a kid and wanted to pursue something in dance, though I was never the ballet, or hip hop kind of dancer, I was what people called a 'soul dancer' meaning I would dance how my heart told me too.

And a lot of dancing competitions didn't like that, but my friend told me about this place and I thought it was perfect, my boss was never around, and my dance instructor told me to dance how I wanted since my first performance had been such a hit.

So now I dance freely, as a stripper, I wasn't one of the strippers to take off all of their clothes, or dance privately for anyone, or any of the sort, I just started the night, I was the opening for everyone else, which usually ended my performance by pulling a lever for water to splash down onto me before the lights turned off, letting me off the stage and into the showers.

My name in this club is 'toxic venom', because I wore a black and dark purple lingerie set after I stripped off my other clothes, some group of guys just kind of shouted it at the end of one of my performances and we stuck with it.

"Hey y/n you ready for tonight?" The dance choreographer Stacy said, walking over to me, I smiled and nodded, placing my small duffel bag on the table.

"As ready as I usually am" I chuckled, tilting my head at her question, I've been doing this for 4 years now, she hadn't asked me that since I first started.

"You not nervous?" She questioned, tidying up some makeup brushes that had been lying around from some of the other girls.

"I never usually am, why should I be" I giggled, taking out my lady suit and heels from my bag, as that is what I was using tonight.

"Did you not hear who's coming tonight honey?" She asked, squinting her eyes a little, I zipped up my bag and put it under the table before sitting down ready to put on my makeup.

"No, who's coming that's oh so important?" I asked, starting off with some light blush on my cheeks.

"Tom Holland" she answered, but the name rang no bells, though the second name was sort of familiar.

"Tom hooha?" I questioned, moving on to my eyeshadow, which was just eyeliner with eyeshadow, it was more natrual.

"Tom Holland? The owner of this pub? Boss of the Holland mafia?" She listed, wait? No no no, I can't strip in front of the boss of the Holland mob! No way.

"What?! Are you insane?! He could fire me on the spot! Well now I'm fucking nervous, I've never even seen the guy, how will I know who he even is!?" I rambled, getting a chuckle from Stacy behind me.

"Honey you're gonna be great out there, and if you're nervous, give tonight a little something extra" she winked before leaving me in the dressing room.

"Fuck" I cursed under my breath. I can't do that. Right?

The club had opened, people were buying drinks and taking their seats, ready for the first performance, from me. And today I was going a little extra, making sure i didn't get fired for not doing my job right.

My hair was slightly damp, my suit tight against my body, along with my light purple lingerie, changing it up a little tonight, my makeup was the same though, light and easy.

"And now, staring tonight's show, Toxic Venom" the man said into the mic, the music starting, my que to walk onto the stage.

My heels clipped along the black sparkly stage, walking at the beat of the song to the pole that stood in the middle of the floor. The spotlight blinding me, though I was used to it.

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