Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Before I leave my condo, I take one last look in the mirror. I fix the one curl that is misplaced. I flattened the silky, pink material of my flowing dress. I shift my position to see both sides of my silver heels. I grab my two Madison Square Garden tickets and head out the door. In the cab ride, I receive a text from Harry that reads, "Find Paul. He'll be waiting outside for you to let you in backstage. Can't wait to see you. X" I can't wait to see Harry either, its been a week since I've seen him last. He's been busy with rehearsals. The first thing that catches my eye when I exit the cab is a big white sign, "One Direction. Sold out!" Directioners are already lined up outside of the doors. I keep an eye out for Paul as I walk. I hear girls asking, "Any extra tickets? We have money! Please. We need to get in!" I turn around to the sound of the girls' voices. I approach them with a smile, "Hey girls. You need tickets?" They quickly nod their heads up and down. I ask, "What are your names?" The girl to the left speaks up for her shy friend, "I'm Rebecca and this is Mariah." I shake their hands, "Nice to meet you girls. How big of fans are you?" Rebecca jumps up and down, "Such big fans. Look at our outfits. We even brought posters!" I admire their 1D merchandise, SnapBacks, shirts, necklaces, and Toms. I ask, "Big enough fans for front row seats?" Their eyes bulge, "Shut up! You're kidding! You have front row seats?" I nod, "I do." Rebecca shouts, "How much?" I grab the tickets from my purse, and I place them in Rebecca's hands. "They are all yours. No charge." The girls grab each other in a hug and start crying. Rebecca wipes away her tears to hug me, "Thank you so much!" I kindly push Rebecca off while laughing, "Have fun girls!" As I walk away, I hear different girls whisper, "Oh my god! They just got front row tickets for free! No fair! I hate them." I see Paul organizing the line, pointing to girls where to stand and moving them against the wall. I tap him on his shoulder and he turns around. He says, "The line is back there." I laugh, "I'm Lily." He smiles back, "Oh! Follow me please."

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