The Return of Keri

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Inspired by clip above but this one takes place while the sun is still out!! I hope you enjoy because I don't think I'll be writing again anytime soon but I guess we'll see!!

Katie's POV:

I was folding laundry in our laundry room when I heard my phone ding and I picked it up, receiving the text from Travis that himself and Daisy were just now leaving camp after Daisy's yearly health, physical, and power development checkup with Will. I quickly shot him a text back and went back to the laundry when I suddenly heard the front door open, knowing it wasn't Landon because the front door is always locked with a Hermes proof lock. When you have two children of Hermes descendant currently learning how to use their powers over any lock, you need a Hermes proof one for the front door. I looked out of the laundry room and down the hall just in time to see a women with black hair dart down the hall and into the living room where I left Landon watching tv. My heart dropped as I dashed into the room across from the laundry room and flipped on the light switch, flooding our armory with light. I quickly grabbed my bow and quiver from its stand, slipping the quiver over my head as I grabbed an arrow and made my way down the hall. I put the arrow in my bow and raised it as I came around the corner, my senses completely dialed up and on high alert as I entered my living room.

I spotted the woman with her back to me looming over my son, who has his full attention turned to SpongeBob on tv and completely unaware of what was going on. "Step away from my child." I growled as Landon looked back and saw the women, screaming as he jumped up and dodged her when she tried to grab him. He ran around the couch and to me, hiding behind me as the woman turned towards me and I found myself face-to-face Keri Adonis.....but she looks different. Her perfectly tan skin is now pale with cool undertones and she had dark circles under her now dark blue eyes. Her honey blonde hair is now midnight black and she has definitely lost some weight, probably from being on the run for betraying us nearly 15 years ago. "Long time, no see Katie dear." She said wickedly as I narrowed my eyes and pulled on my bow sting more, aiming right for her as Landon held on to my leg and watched her with fear. "It's been 15 years Keri so clearly not long enough. What are you doing here?" I asked bitterly as she walked over to the mirror on the wall next to the staircase, staring at herself with her hands behind her back as I kept my aim trained on her. "I came to finish what I started-" She said and suddenly lunged at us as I shot at her, sinking an arrow into her shoulder as she howled in pain. "Up the stairs. Now." I said calmly to Landon, not trying to scare him anymore than he already was as he dashed for the stairs while Keri ripped the arrow out of her shoulder. "You'll pay for that Katie Gardner.....well, I guess it's Stoll now huh?" She asked as I whipped out another arrow, taking aim once more but she suddenly roundhouse kicked my bow out of my hand and it clattered against the ground next to me. She went to punch me but I turned my upper half to the left, grabbing her arm as I dodged and swung her right into the wall. I grabbed her again by the shoulders and launched her over our couch, sending her crashing into our wooden and glass coffee table as I booked it towards the stairs. I took two at a time and reached the second floor, running into Landon's room knowing he was most likely under the bed. "Landon? Come on baby, we need to go." I whispered, looking under the bed as he peered back at me and I reached for him. I pulled him out and pulled him up to his feet, making our way to the door and into the hall. "Stay here." I told him as he nodded and I went to the top of the stairs, sticking to the wall and looking over just enough to see Keri at the foot of the steps.

I turned back to Landon and grabbed his hand, pulling him down the hall to where the door that led to our attic was. I opened it and let him go first as I looked back to see Keri reach the top of the stairs. She spotted us as I quickly closed the door and locked it, running up the steps as a sudden pounding came from the door. "Mommy I'm scared." Landon said with fear as I embraced him at the top and I scanned the room for a place to hide both of us because I was NOT leaving him by himself with Keri after him. I spotted the window at the back of the attic as Keri's fist suddenly came crashing through the door and went for the lock on the door. I grabbed the old bicycle that was leaning against the railing next to us and tossed it down the stairs when the door opened to buy more time. I held on to my sons hand as we dodged and climbed over things to get to the window, coming up to it as I tried to open it but it was completely sealed. I frantically looked around, Travis's old baseball bat catching my eye as I grabbed it and got ready to swing. "Get down and cover your ears." I told Landon as he crouched down behind me and covered his ears tightly, squeezing his eyes shut as I swung with all my might and the window shattered. I began poking out the jagged pieces of glass in the frame with the bat as Keri reached the top of the steps. I grabbed the rope that was wrapped up on a hook next to the window, throwing it over my body like my quiver and I carefully climbed out the window. I secured my footing on the slanted roof and then reached in for Landon, pulling him through the broken window carefully as he wrapped his arms around my neck tightly.

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