Tubbo's Diary|Pt.1

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Tubbo's POV
I woke up to the beautiful sunshine shining done on my face. 'Ranboo must've opened the curtains' I thought to myself. I went to open my drawer where my dairy normally is when...

"MY DIARY IS MISSING!?!?!?" I shouted. I swear I put my diary in there, I always do, it's my routine. I jump out of bed and get changed. I keep hoping that Ranboo doesn't have it, but he wouldn't have it. The drawer has a sticky note that says 'DON'T OPEN!', why would he open it?

I rush downstairs and start looking everywhere I would think to put it but I had no luck. I run to the living room which was the last place I had to check but when I walked in, the lights were off.

"Why are the lights of-" As I turn around after turning the lights on, I see Ranboo right in the middle of the room, holding what I hope is his memory book. "Ranboo? What are you doing here with the lights off and your memory book?" (Just a quick reminder, in my AU, Ranboo can see in the dark. That's why the lights were off, so Tubbo couldn't see).

"Tubbo....this..this isn't my memory book. It's your diary.." He said. When he said your diary, I froze solid. "Why did you look in my fucking drawer!?" I shout at himin full anger. "Why didn't you tell me you were executed by Technoblade!?"

3rd POV
Ranboo throws the diary in his hand at Tubbo, giving Tubbo a bleeding nose. Ranboo stands in fear as the thick, red blood comes out of Tubbo's nose. "T-Tubbo I didn't mean to do that..."
"Stay back you monster!"

The room goes silent. Ranboo and Tubbo stay in shock, not meaning to do either of those things. "I-I..." Tubbo starts tearing up. "I didn't mean that! Don't hurt me please!" Tubbo begs.

Ranboo runs to Tubbo and hugs him tightly. "No..no. It's okay Tubbo..." Ranboo and Tubbo stay in that position till Tubbo falls asleep.

Techno will pay...
Part 2 later!

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