School Cutie

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This is a High School AU. Enjoy!

Tubbo's POV
As usual, I was running late for school. I don't know why but I can never seem to wake up at the right time so I either wake up too early or too late and both times make me late. I got detention a lot for it but I couldn't care less, detention is better then working. All you do in detention is sit at a desk with nothing to do, so it leaves me to my thoughts that I have a lot of.

As I reached the school, I realized for the first time in months, I'm not late. There were people outside talking and having fun with each other. Maybe my phone time is off. I check my phone and to my surprise, it's only 8:30, so I read it wrong. I rolled my eyes and sighed as I placed my phone back in my pocket before I was rudely bumped into. Me and the person came crashing down to the ground but lucky I turned around in time so I fell on my back, but now the person is on top of me.

I open my eyes to see a pair of green and red staring at me. Green and red? That's cool, they have multi colored eyes. I noticed it was a boy. He had brownish blonde hair and he was wearing a mask? Someone seems to be afraid of catching covid. They were on their hands and knees so obviously people that saw would think we were dating or something. I slightly blushed as the boy stared at me. "O-oh god I'm so sorry!-" He stuttered and stood up, holding out a hand for me. I sat up and grabbed his hand, letting him pull me up onto my feet.

"It's fine.. are you new here? I've never seen you before." I asked. It was kind of a dumb question since the school is huge in my opinion and it would be hard to see everybody. The boy nodded. I came to realize that this man is at least a foot taller then me, which shocked me because he seemed around my age. Though he looked cute. Wait- do I think he's cute!? No no of course I literally just met him. I can't be like those people in stories who fall in love at first sight. "W-were you listening to me?" The boy asked. I blinked and looked up at him, embarrassed that I wasn't in fact listening.

"Oh god I wasn't I'm so sorry, I s-spaced out." I looked at the ground, waiting for the boy to be angry at me but that never came. Instead he sounded shy and nervous. "That's okay, I was just saying that my names Ranboo and I was w-wondering if you could give me a tour?" He- Ranboo asked. I looked up at him and gave him a smile. "Sure! My names Tubbo." I said, holding my hand out to shake his. He seemed hesitant at first but he did shake my hand which I was grateful for. I think I'm going to like this guy.
It's a bit short but I will probably make a second part. Let me know if you have any suggestions because I'm running low on them. Updates might be a bit slow for a bit so I'm sorry.

Have a great day/night everyone! <3

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