The Spell|Day 4

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Happy Halloween to you all! I decided for this one to make it that they are celebrating Halloween, so Enjoy and have a great Halloween!!!

Ranboo's POV
I woke up extra early today because it's Halloween! Tubbo loves Halloween but it's such a shame that he is a baby, he won't get to have a proper Halloween, and he won't remember it.

I set up some decorations and placed some candy on the table, a big bowl for all the trick or treaters and a small bowl for Tubbo. He always has candy for breakfast on Halloween so I have to give it to him, I know, it's not healthy but it's Tubbo, you know how much of a handful he is when he doesn't get his way!

Anyways, I go upstairs to the room to wake Tubbo up but turns out he is already awake. "Good morning Tubbo" I quietly say, walking closer to him. I sit down at the edge of the bed, allowing him to come closer. "Happy Halloween" I say. Immediately Tubbo jumps up and starts jumping on the bed, "Halloween! Halloween!" He keeps shouting as he jumps up and down on the bed. "Calm down Tubbo" I say as I grab him and hold him, making him do a child giggle.

We wak downstairs to the kitchen and as soon as I look down, I see stars in Tubbo's eyes. "Candy!" He yells with pure happiness as he runs up to his chair and jumps onto it. He grabs the bowl and starts eating the candy. It's not a lot of candy so he won't get sugar high.
Time skip, I'm super tired
Me and Tubbo were walking to Tommy's house for trick or treating because that's where we always go first. I put Tubbo in a pumpkin outfit for this Halloween, and put Michael in a ghost outfit.

 I put Tubbo in a pumpkin outfit for this Halloween, and put Michael in a ghost outfit

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I knocked on Tommy's door and waited for him to open it

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I knocked on Tommy's door and waited for him to open it. And finally he did. "Hey guys! Happy Halloween!" Tommy's says. I knew that he knew we came for trick or treating because he kneeled down and showed Tubbo and Michael a bowl of candy. "Take some!" Tommy insisted. The boys look at each other with stars in their eyes as they take some candy.

"Thank you Mwister Tommy!" Michael says with a huge smile in his face. "Thank you!" Tubbo says. I look at Tommy and he looks at me. "See ya Tommy" I say as I grab Tubbo and Michael's hand. "Bye Boob boy" Tommy says back. I glare at him then walk away.
We finished Trick or treating and I let the two children eat some of their candy they got, of course not letting them have to much since they are going to bed in a minute. I let them have about 5 candy's each before telling them to get ready for bed.

As they run upstairs, I put the candy away somewhere high so they can't get it in the morning.

I walk up the to Michael's room and see that Tubbo is also there. "Papa! Can Daddy sleep in here with me?"Michael says hugging Tubbo. Yeah Tubbo is a child but he is still Michael's Dad. "I don't see why not. But you 2 have to go to sleep." I say. They look at each other with happiness and jump into bed. I kneel down and kiss them both on the forehead before grabbing a kids book from the shelf. I read as they start to get tired and drift off to sleep. I also start to get tired but before I can move, I fall asleep, sleeping in the rocking chair in peace.
Sorry I got lazy a bit! It's like 11:23 and I want this to be finished before Halloween is over.

Have a great day/night!

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