Attention Seeker

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Ranboo's POV
"Tubbo I'm working! You can have cuddles later!" I say for like the millionth time. I felt him grab my shoulder and spin me around to face him in my chair. "Cuddles!" He shouted at me. I sighed and turned back around to my stupid work. "I'm working. If you leave me alone I'll be done in 3 hours." I could tell he wasn't happy it- but that's just life I guess.

"If your not done in 3 hours imma be very mad." Tubbo said before poking his tounge at me and walking out the door, with anger. I sighed and chuckled quietly to myself. "Clingy much-" I said before getting back to my work.

(3 hours later)
"Finally, finished." I was finished just when I said I would be, meaning Tubbo won't be mad. I got out of my seat, stretched a bit and walked to the door. I tried opening it so Tubbo wouldn't know but he was actually at the door when I opened it. "Uh- how long have you been there for?-" I asked him. His answer was a little concerning. "Almost the whole time that I left!" He said proudly. He had a cute smile on his face after he said it which was super cute.

"I guess since I promised, you can have cuddles now-" Just before I finished he jumped on me and hug me. "Jesus- don't do that Tubbo! I could've fallen back or dropped you!" I said with a worried tone. Tubbo just proceeded to hug me and hide his face in my shoulder. "Your lucky your my husband-" I said to him before carrying him to the living room and sitting on the couch with him in my lap.

"Your warm..." He muffled into my shoulder. I chuckled at that and kept hugging him close to me. "Never knew that" I replied with. He kissed my cheek and went back to hiding his face in my shoulder. I'm a lot bigger then him meaning he is small to me, making him easy to hug and carry. After a while I started to hear soft snores coming from Tubbo. I chuckled quietly as to not wake him and layed him down on the couch.

"Goodnight Tubbo"
So sorry I haven't updated a lot recently- I'll try updating a lot these holidays so stay tuned for them! If you have any ideas please ask them, I need some more ideas bcs I'm running low on them.

Have a great day/night!

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