SCP-3475 | Pt.2

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Tubbo's POV
I felt the hot sunshine of the sun as I woon up for work. Of course Lani had to open my curtains when I was sleeping. I sat up and rubbed my eyes as I looked around my room. My desk is really messy from all the work I do at home on some of the SCP's but I've realized I never clean my room ever. Clothes were scattered across the floor, the walls had sticky notes, posters, a bunch of work stuff and more on them. My shelves haven't been cleaned for ages either.

I groaned as I got up, knowing that if my mother ever came into my room she would tell me to clean it before I do any work. I slowly got ready for work as I kept thinking about the SCP I'm working as a personal worker for. The words Tommy had said about him came back to my mind and replayed a million times till I got downstairs and to the kitchen. I sat at my usual seat at the table as my mother brought my food to me. "Now I want you to be careful at work today okay Toby?" My mother said as she kissed my forehead.

I chuckled. "I'm always careful, I haven't came back with a cut or scratch in days." I grinned at her. "Let's hope it stays that way then" As she walked off to the living room, I quickly ate my food. Mother's pancakes are like they came from god himself, as in they taste amazing. I placed my plate in the sink and ran upstairs to grab my bag and ran back down to the front door. "Bye mother!" I shouted as I left the house not bothering for a reply. I ran down the pathway to work. My house isn't far from work, it's about a 15 minute walk but since I decided to run, it took my 7 minutes.

I opened the doors to the huge building exhausted. I slowly walked down the hallway as I tried to look for Tommy. "Tubs!" I heard for the stairs as I went past them. I turned to them and saw Tommy run down them and to me. "Hey Tommy" "You excited for your first day with SCP-3475?" He asked me. I nodded. Honestly, I was a bit nervous about being the SCP's personal worker. "You don't act all nervous Toby" Tommy said. "How can you read my fucking mind?" I asked him as we walked up the stairs to the 3rd floor. "I don't know, I can just tell from your facial expressions since we've been friends since kindergarten" I looked down as I remembered how long ago that was.

"That was almost 16 years ago" I said. Tommy nodded with pride. "Tommy, Tubbo!" A voice called out to us. We both looked ahead of ourselves to see Puffy in front of us. "You guys ready to go see the SCP's?" Her calm voice asked us. I nodded and I heard a yes come from Tommy. "You guys start now so go" Puffy said as she pointed behind her. I groaned as Tommy grabbed my arm and dragged me to SCP-3475's room. "Hvae fun Tubbo!" Tommy yelled as he ran away. I stared at the door and sighed.

I opened the first door, locking it behind me. I did the same to the other 2 before staring at the last one. "This will either be the worst or best thing I have ever done." I say to myself. I open the last door and walk in the dark room, closing the door behind me. I closed my eyes. "Hello?" I called out. My voice echoed across the room. "Hi." I heard the same voice from last time call out. I felt myself move to another part of the room. My stomach turned as it was teleportation, I felt lightheaded as I stumbled a bit. "Sorry" The SCP said. "I-it's okay...-" I stopped as I didn't know his name. "Ranboo." I opened my eyes and stared at the SCP confused. My blue eyes met his multicolored eyes. I could tell he noticed my confusion. "You can call me Ranboo" The confusion left my face. "Ahh. Well Ranboo, I'm Tubbo" I replied. Ranboo smiled. As he did so a question came into my mind. "How can I stare into your eyes without you doing anything? I thought u hated eye contact."

Ranboo's POV
I looked down at Tubbo as he asked the question. What could I say? That I liked his eyes? I mean I do, his eyes are beautiful just like him. But I can't tell him that. "Uhm... your just different to everyone else I guess.." I said quietly. "Oh. Well that's good then because I'm your new personal worker" He said with a smile. I looked at him happily. I'll get to see him everyday, that's amazing. "I do have a question though" "Ask away bossman" Bossman? That's a weird nickname but I'll take it. "If I ever showed you my... human form.. you wouldn't judge me right?" Tubbo looked at me excited? Why is he- "You'd actually show me your human form!? I mean almost no SCP's show workers their human form!"

That's why he's excited. He wanted to see my human form. "I couldn't judge you. Obviously if you show me it means you trust me with your life so don't worry about me judging you" Those words made me feel... safe with him. No worker has ever been this kind to me. But Tubbo.. he's different.. in so many ways.

"Thank you... Tubbo.."
The last part of this AU will be a long one so it may take a little bit for the next update. Hope you enjoyed this part and if you have any ideas comment them here!

Just so everyone knows, I don't re-read these oneshots so if there is any mistakes I am sorry. But with the 'Tubbk' mistake I made, you guys can laugh at that and comment about it because I too find it funny.

Have a great day/night everyone! <3

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