I can't think of a title name

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This is an Agent AU. Enjoy!

Tubbo's POV
I looked down at the people in the party as I watched from a window at the top of the building, hoping not to get spotted. I was searching for my target when I got a phone call. It was so sudden that I almost fell off the roof. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and checked who it was. It was my friend, Tommy. I answered it and waited for Tommy to speak. "Find him yet Tubs?" Tommy asked. "Nope, still looking." I said as I stared back at the people.

Then, I caught my eye on the target. "Found him! He's heading up the stairs on your right with some people." I said. Tommy immediately ended the call and I could see him enter the building. I put my phone away and climbed down to the ground, also entering the building. I saw Tommy take the other set of stairs so I took the ones the target took. I scanned the area till I saw him walk down a hallway by himself. Bingo. This was a perfect time to get him.

I made sure I wasn't seen and made my way down the hallway and peeked around the corner. The target walked into a room. This was my chance. I followed behind and entered the room, it was a library. Maybe he likes books and wanted to read one. I hid behind a bookshelf and watched him as he pulled something out of his pocket and place it on a desk. I pulled out my gun and aimed for his head when I remembered that guns make a loud noise. The loud sound would alert people. I put the gun away and reach for my knife. I slowly made my way behind him and walked up behind him.

All of a sudden I heard the door close and I turned my head to look at it. Wrong move. I got kicked to the ground, making me hit my head and drop the knife. I felt the knife slice my hand a bit causing me to let out a squeal. I looked up to be met with grayish blue eyes looking at me. "So you're the agent that was trying to kill me?" A deepish, calm voice spoke out. I kept my mouth shut as I tried to get my attention away from the pain in my hand.

"Not speaking huh?" He asked. I poked my tongue at him and kicked him in the balls, causing him to step back and groan in pain. I stood up and reached for my knife, grabbing it and turning around. The target also had a knife. Guess we're having a knife fight, this'll be fun. I ran to him jumping up and bringing my knife down to his head. He dodged it and went in for a stab on my side. I step back and cut his wrist, causing him to let out a slight scream.

I went in for another hit when I was thrown at the nearest shelf, knocking books off the shelf. Some landed on my head but most went on the floor. I looked up to see him right in front of me, pointing the knife at my throat. "You're not that good at fighting." He said, looking directly into my eyes. Something inside me made me feel weird. "So tell me who you are or you die." I gulped at his words. I don't really wanna die and saying who I am is not that hard, but I feel like I'll die either way.

"T-tubbo.." I said quietly. The targets face lit up a bit and I could see from his eyes that he was smiling. He had a mask on for some unknown reason. "Nice name. I'm Ranboo." So that's his name. Yes I was never given his name before this mission because they didn't know his name. "So that's your name." This Ranboo dude seemed to be a bit too happy in this situation. "Not many people that try kill me know my name, you're special.~" Ranboo said, saying the last part with a different tone. I felt my face heat up as I looked away.

Then all of a sudden, there was this beeping sound. Ranboo looked at his wrist and there was a watch that seemed to be making the beeping sound. He turned it off and walked back to the desk, grabbing whatever he put on it and walking to the window. "Till we meet again, Tubbo." He said, jumping out of the window.

I stood there processing what happened. I must've been processing a bit too long because Tommy came running into the room. "Tubbo! Did you kill him!?" He asked, running to me. "N-no. He jumped out the window just when I was gonna kill him." I lied. Tommy sighed. "We'll get him next time." Tommy walked to the door, telling me to follow along. I kinda don't want to kill him anymore... but I have to.

I will find a way.
Sorry I haven't been posting much! I'll try posting once a week.

Have a great day/night everyone! <3

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