Chapter 13: Poisoned and Coping

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\\ After school //

Hwa was leaving the school compass when he felt a hand grab his wrist. Due to the lingering drama from last night, he panicked and in response, he yelled, "Stop! Get off of me! Don't hurt me!"

"Hwa baby it's just me. What just happened? Are you ok?"

Realizing it was just his boyfriend Woo, he slightly calmed down. He did not want Woo to know anything that happened last night.

"Where were you last night? I texted you multiple times last night and today. You didn't reply or read any of them. You weren't by the tree today so we wouldn't walk to school together." Woo was stumping cutely trying to get Hwa attention when he noticed something concerning. "Hwa what is that? On your arm. Did you accidentally cut yourself?"

"What no no no!" Hwa rejected, pulling down his long sleeve to the point the shoulder part started to stretch.

"Then let me see it." Trying to grab Hwa's arm but he kept pulling it away. The two tussled for a couple minutes when Woo finally got a grip of Hwa's arm, pulling his sleeve up, revealing many small cuts all over his arm. Shocked and concerned, Woo took Hwa's other arm, pulling up the sleeve, and again revealing cuts on his arm. Woo was about to speak when he realized Hwa's hands were in a fist. "Open up your hands."

Hwa shook his head, "You don't want to see it."

Knowing Hwa, Woo took it into his own hands, pulling back Hwa's fingers, fingernail dents left on his palm. And there Woo saw long and deep cuts. "What happened?" Woo asked in a shaky voice, scared for Hwa.

Looking away from the pain in his boyfriend's face, Hwa replied in a small voice, "I broke a mirror. I don't know what happened. I-I think I was just in that moment and I didn't realize my hands were bleeding until a couple hours later. I-I really don't know what happened. I can't tell anyone. My uncle doesn't care. Please help." Letting all the tears flow out in the last sentence.

"Hwa baby, I-I don't know how to help. I'm no expert. Bu-but there's things you could do to prevent that. I-I really don't know. I'm so sorry Hwa. But don't worry I will help. I will be the shoulder you can lean on whenever.

"Just please recommend something to me. It hurts too much" Hwa pulled back his hands from his boyfriend's grasp.

"Have you tried tracking your emotions? Like keeping a journal?"

"Yes but I never liked it. I give up on it pretty soon afterwards."

"Maybe you could try something else. Like collecting something in color coded with each representing each emotion."

"What do you mean?"

"Here let's go." Hwa pulled Woo behind him, half running.

"Where are we headed?" Hwa breathlessly asked, trying his best to keep up. Hwa was already tired from last night and weak that now trying to keep up with his boyfriend was making his vision blurry.

\\ Few minutes later //

"Here we are." Woo proudly said, hands on his hips like a superhero pose.

"Wh-Why a-are we-we at t-this ca-fe?" Hwa panting heavily, hands on his knees.

"Are you ok?" Concerned, seeing Hwa pale but red as hot sauce.

"I-I don't, I think I'm ok. I'm just out of breath, that's all."

"You don't look well. You look like you're going to faint, baby." Trying to hold Hwa's hands

"No no I'm fine. I-I just-" At that moment, Hwa collapses onto the hard hot pavement.

"BABY!" Woo ran into the cafe calling out for help. Woo's panicked voice echoed throughout the shop, making the owner run out.

"What's going on, honey?" The owner's face matches Woo's stressed out face.

"My-my friend..., he passed out outside. Please help" Woo said in one breath, not wanting to waste no time explaining.

"It's ok honey. Let's go get your friend."

The two rushed outside, the owner picked up Hwa and hurried back inside, placing him on a big sofa. Rushing back behind the counter, the owner took out a plastic ziplock bag and filled it with ice. Coming back, placing it on Hwa's head.

"Watch him and I will call someone here, ok?" The owner patted Woo's hand.

Walking back to where Hwa and Woo were, she sat down next to the lying down Hwa and in front of Woo. "Someone is coming ok? He'll be ok."

The owner was brushing Hwa's hair when all of the sudden, Hwa eyes shot open, rolling to the side, throwing up. The owner ran, grabbing a trash can."

"I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean to. I'm sorry."

Woo brushed Hwa's hair out of his eyes, "Shhhh it's ok it's ok. You're ok."

"You're fine sweetheart." The owner rubbed Hwa's back. "You don't have to worry. You're ok. Don't be sorry."

At that moment, they heard a bell ring, notifying someone coming into the store. "I am the police, could you both step aside. I will check on him."

The two stood in silence while the police examined Hwa. "He's going to be ok. I promise." The owner held Woo's hand. "By the way, my name is Solar. What's your name?

"My name is Wooyoung."

"That's a really cute name, Wooyoung."

"Thank you."

"I can't help noticing, Wooyoung. But you know, this is a safe place." Implying something, Woo noticed too, turning his head to her.

"I-I" Scared due to the fact there was so much bullying at school.

"If it makes you feel better, Wooyoung. The police helping your friend is my wife. She was a former EMT so she knows what she's doing. Her name is Moonbyul."


"Yes, that is my wife. Your friend is in great hands. She's one of the best."

"Thank you Solar shi. Actually he's my boyfriend." Woo hesitatingly blurted out. Not really knowing why but he felt like he could trust her.

"Well Wooyoung, you and your boyfriend look great together."

"Thank you very much."

As they finished their conversation, Moonbyul walked towards them. "He's ok. He just has really food poisoning combined with a heat stroke and fatigue. He just needs lots of rest. You can visit him, if you wish."

"Wait" Solar pulled back Woo, handing him different colored flowers. "Give this to him. It might cheer him up." Woo smiled, thanking her.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?" brushing a piece of hair out of his eyes.

"Shh, not here." pushing Woo's hand away.

"It's ok Hwa, it's safe here." Knowing why he's pushing him away.

"They know?"

"Yes, they do. They're one of us. They're married, you know."

"Oh ok. That's a relief."

"Here Hwa, these flowers are for you. You know, I was bringing you here because this cafe is actually a part flower shop. You could track your mood with flowers. So everyday get the flowers to the mood you are in."

"Mm, that's not a bad idea. I mean I do like flowers a lot so I'll give it a try. Thank you babe"

CES: Would You Run by

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