Chapter 46: Changing myself for the better; confessing

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San sat alone, silent in deep thoughts after Jun left the cafe. "Oh by the way, San, it wouldn't be a bad idea to go back to that house." Jun's words echoed in his head, never thinking of ever going back to that place but should he? San finally left the cafe, on the way to his old house.

[ At this old house ]

San took out his keys, unlocking the brown door. Stepping into his house, he was greeted with this horrid odor. "Oh god damn." He exclaimed, pinching his nose. Walking to the kitchen, spotting a dried up bloodied knife laying on top of a piece of paper. In an instant his eyes widened.

It read: I was the nicest to you. I never yelled, I never purposely made you mad. If I did, I would beg you to forgive me. I would do anything to make you feel better. I was a good boyfriend yet you left me here to beg like a dog with my hands bloodied to get out. And you just left me here. I thought you loved me but I was wrong. I was so desperate that I didn't even think about the back door, all I thought about was to escape. During that time, I didn't see any escape until I saw the knife. I cut myself to relieve the pain I no longer can control. I walked around the house, leaving a trial of my blood. Eventually finding a vase, breaking the window. I escaped and now I leave you this note. I hope you are happy. Good bye.

Signed, Woong

His hand shook, feeling his body gone cold. "No that can't be."

Unable to believe what he just read, he walked urgently towards the window and there he found the broken vase, dried up blood on the floor and the broken window. With his heart racing 120bpm, he called Joong to get over here, the knife and the note still in his hand.

[ 15 minutes later ]

"San what's wrong?" Joong rushed over towards San, slamming the car door close.

"I did this. I did THIS!" Pointing to the broken window as he shows the knife and note in his hands. "I didn't mean anything I said and now he's dead!"

"Woah woah woah San calm down. He's not dead. San, calm down. Ravn found him and took Woong under his care. Woong is ok." Placing his hands on San's shoulder. "Look at me, San. Tell me what happened to Woong? What did you do to him? Tell me the truth."

"The day we had senior field day, I was poisoned with eye drops by Felix and Changbin. They told me what they were planning to do with Hwa, Woo, and Woong. That night I made a secret phone call to Felix telling them I would do anything to get them to leave Seonghwa and everyone alone. So I recorded some seriously horrible stuff I said to Woong like how fucking annoying he is and why his parents left him. I-I forced him to stay inside the house. I locked it so he couldn't get out because I knew they were going to hurt him too. I gave the recording to Changbin and Felix on the way to graduation, thinking they would back off from their plan. They betrayed me. They made me do it. They told me I ruined another person's life. At that moment I realized what I did to Woong. I didn't mean to hurt Woong. I swear Joong, I was going to go back for him right after I dropped off the recording. I didn't know what Woong would do to himself. If I didn't, they would've hurt Woong as well. I was going to come back home right away to let him out. I was going to protect him...but it didn't happen like that." San cried as he stared at the cold wood flooring felt under his feet.

"So-so that's what happened. God damn how, why did they do all this? How long have they planned this? This whole thing was so fucking wrong. I just don't understand." Joong shook his head.

"If-if he's alive, c-can I see him?" San asked.

"Unfortunately, Woong lost almost all his memories. He doesn't remember anyone. I think it's a good idea to distance yourself from Woong and Ravn. Ravn would probably kill you if he sees you. Besides Ravn isn't allowing many people to see him so no you can't. I'm sorry."

"Then h-how's Hwa?" San hesitantly asks.

"Seriously? What's wrong with you, San? Is that all you care about? How about Woo? Or us?" Shaking his head.

"Tell me I'm a bad person, Joong. I deserve it."

"You're not a bad person. You're a terrible person but not intentionally. Look San, you're a lovable person but the way you acted in high school, you know being a fuck boy and all is not going to get you anywhere. That was why Ravn hated you and still does. He felt loved with you but you dumped him like a piece of trash. You've done that with so many guys and that's what you were so notorious for at school. That's a bad reputation, San. Not something you should be proud of. Especially if you want to be a better person."

Sitting San down at the living room couch. "You can change and I believe you can too. Only if you want to and if you make yourself. You've always been this way because of your personality. You still have a chance."

"I didn't realize how many boys I fucked up. I know now how much damage I've done. I feel guilty, Joong. I know I did wrong. I want to change to be a better person. Please forgive me."

"Good. I'm proud of you. I forgive you, San. It's not easy to admit all you have said. I'll be here to support you. Now come on, I'll ask Seoho to come and clean all this up." Taking out his phone, dialing Seoho.

[ 1 hour of cleaning ]

"Um Joong!" San called out from his bedroom.

"Yes?" Joong answered, walking into the room where San was.

"Wh-where's Snuggles?" Talking about the stuffed tiger he won for Woong. "Did Ravn take it?"


"Did he remember anything? Anything about me?" San desperately pleaded.

"No." Joong lied, walked out the room as Seoho's eyes followed Joong's movements.

[ 7 PM ]

Joong POV:

"What do you want to eat, Hwa? I could order noodles, rice, beef or anything you want?" Joong asks, scrolling through his phone. While there was a nurse delivering clean blankets to Hwa's room.

"I want to go home." Hwa sounded exhausted.

"You know we can't do that this time around, right Hwa?" The nurse scanned Hwa's medications into a small machine which she held.

"Why not? He seems better and he lives with us now." Joong butted in.

"Remember what Dr. Hanbin told you. I'll leave you two alone. You got this Hwa. Hwaiting!" Closing the door behind her.

"I-I have something to confess." Hwa reached to take Joong's hand into his. "Um please don't get mad at me. I faked being happy when I was in the hospital after we got ambushed at graduation. I just wanted to go home because I knew the nurses were going to keep stopping me from hurting myself. So I pretended I was happy and then I could go home and self harm. All the accidents like the time you found me making food and the knife slipped. And the time I said glass broke over my arm. All that was self harm...there were no accidents. I'm sorry."

Joong took a deep breath, reaching for Hwa's hand. "Seoho suspected that. I refused to believe him because you looked really happy to be out of the hospital. It's not your fault, Hwa. I should've looked after you better. I promise to look after you more carefully. Let's work together to get better, ok? You're not alone. And I'm not mad at you." Bringing the teary Hwa into his warm embrace. 

A/n: Sorry I haven't updated for 3 weeks. I've been really busy with school and with personal stuff. Also I wasn't sure if people still liked this series so I postponed updating for 3 weeks. When book 1 finishes do you guys want book 2 or would you rather me just stop this series? Because initially there are 3 books in this whole series but now I'm not sure if people want that or if people are even willing to read it. Please let me know. Thank you! Have a good day/night!

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