Getting some 'Professional' Help!!

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With Y/n and Jr, One their Quest to save Godzilla, In the Middle of Space Just outside of Earth's Range of all Nuclear weapons, and earthly weapons, there were A Massive Ship, that contained the Queen of the Universe, and A Major Threat to the earth itself, Queen Ghidorah was Residing, and she had Godzilla captured in some futuristic chains, and was interrogating her!

Ghidorah: "Okay, So-Called Queen of the Monsters, Tell me this. Where are the rest of your Monster Buddies?"

Godzilla then spoke up!

Godzilla (Current Queen of the Monsters)

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Godzilla (Current Queen of the Monsters)

Godzilla: "Well, I can tell you, but only if you can get yourself A Sex Toy so You FUCK YOURSELF! AAAAAGH!"

She was then shocked intensely By A Collar around her neck!

Ghidorah: "Now that's not Nice. Tell me Now."

Godzilla: "Go and Fuck yourself! AAAAGH!"

Ghidorah: "Okay, You've been using that Joke for the last 30 Times you can stop now."

Godzilla: "No..."

Ghidorah: "And I don't need to Screw Myself, I found myself A Man! It's that Protector of Earth everyone keeps talking about. I think his Name was Y/n or something, Real cute guy."

Godzilla: "I SAW HIM FIRST!"

Ghidorah: "What?"

Godzilla: "Um... Nothing."

Ghidorah: "You Like him don't you?"

Godzilla: "No."

Ghidorah: "You like him don't you? The Queen has A Crush Huh? How Fucking Precious!"

Godzilla: "Okay, now that's Just hypocritical coming from you!"

Ghidorah: "Don't you have A Husband or something? I mean you have A Kid."

Godzilla: "Uh..."

Just then A Picture of A Giant Eyeball being Lit up entered her Mind!

Godzilla: "...We don't talk about it."

Ghidorah: "Well, I guess I should bring him Here, Just in case. Gigan! Megalon! Get in here Now!"

Just then two women walked in, and it was the Cybernetic Kaiju Gigan and the queen of Atlantis Megalon!

Just then two women walked in, and it was the Cybernetic Kaiju Gigan and the queen of Atlantis Megalon!

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Left to right: Megalon and Gigan

Gigan: "Yeah, What is it?"

Ghidorah: "I need you to get someone for me. *Pulls out Picture of Y/n* This is Y/n L/n hero of earth. I need you to get him for me for... Interrogation."

Gigan: "Huh? Oh, He's cute!"


Megalon: "Ugh, We have this for Our leader?

Gigan: "Just shut up and Follow orders and we might live."

Ghidorah: "Just get going, you Morons!! We have A Planet to conquer!!"

Gigan/Megalon: "Yes Sir, we Mean Ma'am, We mean Pooba, W-We mean-!"

Ghidorah: "GO!"


You and Jr, Who had Used the Kaiju power to Shrink down to Human size to blend in with humans (or blend in the best they can), and soon You had Visited the one Place with people who have full experience Taking Down Kaiju!

Cell's Arena!

Y/n: "Okay Squirt let me do all of the Talking, and we can get them on our side."

Jr: "Right."

Y/n: "Hey Kermit my Man!"

Kermit: "Oh Hey, Y/n you here for this Schedule?"

Y/n: "Uh, No We need your help, and where is Cell?"

Kermit: "Oh, He was-"


Kermit: "And there he Is!"

Cell: "Kermit who the fuck am I fighting today? This Little Girl?"

Jr: "Excuse me!?"

Cell then Tries to pet her head, in which she Bites his hand with her razor-sharp teeth!

Cell: "AGH, BITCH!"

Y/n: "Cell, we need your help! Her mother had been Captured, and we need someone with Kaiju fighting experience."

Cell: "Oh, Um... Yeah, About that... Um..."

Kermit: "He never killed A Kaiju in his Life."

Cell: "KERMIT!"

Kermit: "Well it's true. I was the one who killed Shin Gojira with My Trusty Pistol, and when You Tried Firing 2014 Godzilla he just blasted you full atomic Breath."

Cell: "Well I fucking survived didn't I?"

Kermit: "Still you didn't do shit."

Cell: "You see that's the reason, I Left you to get consumed by That fire that one time when you were Spiderkermit, the literally worst fucking Hero ever!"

Kermit: "Hey, Matter eater lad and Infectious Lass are still worse than me!"

Y/n: "Okay, can we Please stop this fight Please!? This is fucking stupid! We have A Queen of Space probably on our Tails and if we don't do anything we might as well-"

Kermit: "Hey Guys, Might I tell you that there are two sexy Chicks behind you?"

They then Look two see Gigan And Megalon patiently waiting for them to stop arguing!

Y/n: "W-Who are you two?"

Jr: "T-That's Gigan and Megalon!"

Y/n: "Who?"

Jr: "Their two of Ghidorah's Henchwoman!"


Gigan: "What's His Problem?"

Kermit: "He's Stressed because the world is gonna die."

Y/n: "FUCK NO! Look everyone, I gotta get someone real quick, so... If you can excuse me while you guys fight."

Megalon: "Um... We'll allow it..."

Y/n: "Thank you..."

You then Dissapeared with your Instant Transmission, and Cell got up to fight them!

Cell: "Well Looks like I gotta fight someone Again. So Get ready you two for so Much Cringe Humor, you'll be begging for Mercy."

Kaiju girls: "???"

Kermit: "But Cell you never fi-"


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