Plantation 13 Girls!!

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ZeroTwo and Ichigo Had Dragged you to their Home, Which is A Giant Bio-Dome known as Plantation 13, where A generation of Heroes Known as Parasites who Pilot Living mechs known as Franxx's Live, and were basically kept prisoner until A certain 'Somebody' Killed the Bastard, and they were finally able to live semi-Normal Lives!

ZeroTwo: Here we are Darling!

Ichigo: Aren't you excited?

Y/n: This Seems Suspicious

Ichigo: W-What do you mean?

Y/n: You two are actually getting Along. That's not Natural

ZeroTwo: Oh Darling, You're being silly, Now come inside before you catch A Cold!

Y/n: We're in the Middle of A Desert

ZeroTwo: Still, We don't want you to get Sick

Y/n: Touche

Just then the door Opened as they dragged you inside, and you all had to go through A Decomatation chamber to make sure no Pathogens get in that was Fun, and then you all had to get through several levels of Security to get Inside only to meet A Young woman, who was tapping her foot impatiently and Glaring at the two Girls, In such A Way only A Concerned mother would

???: Girls, You Have been out way Longer than You should be. You're supposed to leave school and come back here

ZeroTwo: Sorry Nana-Chan

Ichigo: Sorry Nana-Nee

Y/n: Woah, It's Okay, I'm here, I Take full responsibility Nana-Chan! It's Okay!

She then gave off A Warm smile as she blushed and looked at you!

Nana: Oh It's Okay Y/n-Kun, I'm so happy you can come and Visit

Nana: Oh It's Okay Y/n-Kun, I'm so happy you can come and Visit

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Nana (The Former Assistant to Dr. Franxx/ The Mother figure to all of the Kids at Plantation 13/ Always spent her time Looking after the Kids Like A Mother would and would always put their needs first/ Is Actually Immortal and can never die due to old age)

Y/n: Oh Well Thank you Nana-Chan, I Appreciate it!

Nana: You're welcome. Kokoro-Chan is Making A Special Dish, so Go and Try some

Y/n: I mean, I don't wanna Intrude

Nana: No I insist

Y/n: Okay, If you Insist

You then walked over to the Kitchen which was actually pretty far away, and Nana smiled!

Nana: So The Plan is working?

ZeroTwo: Yep!

Ichigo: I hate working with Zerotwo so Much... Why does he Like her more than me!?

ZeroTwo: Maybe because I actually have charm, and I am not desperate

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