Chapter 145

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After my nap, Nic and I spent the day in the basement with the triplets. We kept to the call schedule Lydia and I had agreed on, during the 8pm call Nic had began putting the triplets to bed.

"Well, I must say this has been one of the most interesting days I've had. Although considering the fact that I haven't left the house in weeks, I guess its not really so different for me. But you guys hiding out in the basement while I have two people with guns over here.."

"Its something that hopefully we can look back on a little more lightheartedly in the future." I stated.

"We could've went to your parents house and avoided all of this, Aubrey and Luke don't know where they live, and they wouldn't have suspected we'd go there anyways." Nic thought out loud.

"Well, you guys stay safe. Logan's asleep, I have to make sure OJ and Zoe are ready for bed." Lydia yawned. "Whats the protocol for overnight? Are we all staying up-?"

"You guys can sleep, I'll be awake its fine." Nic cut her off.


"I can't sleep anyways." She shrugged.

"We'll sleep in schedules. What are we doing about tomorrow? With work and school for everyone."

"The kids are safe at school. I'll have Stella and the triplets come to the office. Its safe there."

"They can come here. Even without fire power, having three adults here is safe enough." Lydia offered.

"I just want all of you to be safe." Nic's voice cracked.

"How about, we play tomorrow by ear, Lydia you get some rest. For all we know Aubrey will have calmed down and apologized by morning anyways." I reverted the conversation.

"Thats true." Lydia agreed.

Lydia let us say good night to OJ and Zoe before hanging up the phone. Once all three of the kids were asleep I convinced Nic to lay down for a bit.

"If you're not going to sleep, at least rest." I insisted. Reluctantly she laid down. I went through my emails on my phone and found a book to read to kill time as Nic dozed for a bit. After a few chapters I noticed Nic's phone shut down as she had it laying face up on the table. I found a charger and plugged it in for her before continuing the book. Midway through the book I heard a bang from upstairs. The sound startled Nic out of her sleep.

"Shh.." I put my finger to my lips as I stood slowly.

"What was that?" She whispered.

"How good is your hearing?"


I put an airpod in my ear and dialed her phone as I handed it to her.

"I'm going to check it out, you stay down here with the kids." I instructed. She gave me a confused look, as I guided her beside the stairs. "Listen for footsteps or anything else and talk to me through the phone."

She nodded.

I walked up the stairs slowly and closed the door behind me. I stepped into the kids kitchen it was pitch black outside which made it just as dark in the house. I stood with my back flat against the wall, gun in my hands as I listened.

"Someone with a flashlight is coming toward the left side of the house." Nic whispered in my ear.

I walked through the kitchen towards the hallway that lead to the side entrance and peaked around the corner. As Nic stated, a dark figure with a flash light was at the door. He fiddled with the lock before deciding to kick at the door a few times.

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