Chapter 90

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When we spoke to Ciara about accepting her offer she actually ended up being really nice about it for once.

"Can we keep this conversation completely off the record?" She asked.

Lydia and I made eye contact.. "Okay." we agreed.

"I don't want to take OJ away from you. Yes, I desperately want a child and I think its unfair that you can produce 4 and I can't have a single one of my own.. but I don't want to take him away." She confessed, "He would be unhappy for a very long time, he's already attached to you guys.."

"Okay?" We nodded.

"You two seem like really nice people, and thats why when Omarion organized the case I thought that if I could reason with you two he would drop it. And- we know how that went." She sighed, "But I really need you to understand I'm not the bad guy here."

"And how-"

"I'm gonna talk to my lawyer, we'll keep this a secret from Omarion. But we are gonna go to the final hearing, because there's still a chance you can win the case.." She explained.

"So are we gonna meet bac-"

"No I'm gonna call my lawyer now and have him meet us here." She stated as she pulled out her phone.

20minutes passed before her lawyer came walking down the alley.

We caught him up and he came up with the solution.

"If at any point during the case, you give Ciara the signal... She'll relay the message to me, and I'll have the case dropped. But it HAS to be before the judge closes the case." He exhaled.

"Wait.. What if we win the case?" I asked.

"Then you win, problem solved." Ciara replied.

"No, but what does it mean for you? I mean, I'm happy with this deal.. but if you're helping us out, I feel like there should be something in it for you.." I stated.

"Then there's my other offer." She put her hands in her pockets.

"Which is?"

"I want to play some sort of role in OJ's life.. as like an aunt or something." She shrugged, "Thats the only thing I can think of."

"That seems fair." Lydia looked at me.

"yeah." I agreed.

"So.. its a deal?"

"Its a deal"

In court the judge lectured for a while about how she came to her decision, she seemed to be leaning towards their side. I caught Ciara's eyes as she glanced over to us to see if Lydia was going to signal or not. I put my hand on Lydia's lap to let her know it was time.

"But before I end this.. there's one thing that has baffled me for this entire case.."

The court was silent, she looked over at Lydia.

"I have a question for you Ms. Colvin."

Our lawyer motioned for Lydia to stand.

"Hi." Lydia waved shyly.

"You and Ms. Maraj were engaged but never married.. correct?"

"Correct." She spoke bolder.

"So where do you really fit in for this case?" she looked over her glasses at Lydia.

"Well, I am OJ's legal guardian."

"His legal guardian? How so?"

"Well.. when he was born, Omarion.." As she spoke you could tell the growing confidence she had in the outcome of the case with each word, "He- signed his parental rights over to me."

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