Chapter 120

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I woke up with a text from Lydia asking to call her when I got the chance. I wiped my eyes and sat up in bed, reaching for a notepad in case this was a business call.

I dialed her and she picked up on the 4th ring:

"Hey" she picked up.

"Morning." I replied groggily.

"How are you? Did everything go okay last night?" she asked.

"I'm good. And yeah, we figured things out.. and then things got really good." I hinted.

"Congrats." she hissed playfully.


"That reminds me, Anita and I are going to be out of town next weekend."

"Ohh where to?"

"LA," she replied.

"Visiting mom?"

"Yeah, but I also got two emails about interviews next week." she continued, "One of them is on Saturday which means I can't make it."

"Oh okay, so we're just doing the one?"


"Unless what?"

"We could see if they'd be interested in you doing the interview with Aubrey, or alone.. whichever you prefer." she suggested.

"I don't know.. it would be kind of weird not going with you." I twirled my hair between my fingers.

"They usually wanna know all about you anyways. And if there's anything about work, you don't really need me there to answer it. Its your business too." she reasoned.

"I'll tell you what. I'll discuss it with him first, and make sure he's even on board. And I will get back to you."

"Okay but hurry, I think they want an answer as soon as possible."

"Yeah yeah yeah."

"Are you going in to the office today?"

"Briefly why?"

"Same. I just have to check a few files that are on my computer and pre approve the samples for next week."

"Okay, we might bump into each other then." I bit my lip.

"We'll see."

I heard one of the triplets begin to cry.

"Alright babe, I have to go be a mom." I joked, "text me later?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

"Bye." I hung up the phone after she responded.

"Good morning." Aubrey startled me.

"Hey, you scared me." I looked down at him.

"I did?" he planted a kiss on the outside of my leg.

"How'd you sleep?" I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Amazing." he grinned.

I bit my lip, "Me too."

I heard one of the babies cry out again so I got out of bed.

"I'll make their bottles" he offered.

I threw on a thong and one of his button up shirts before going to the nursery.

Oliver was out of his crib and standing next to Liam's. Liam and Ali were already inside his crib together.

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow at them before taking out my phone to take a picture. I then decided on a video as well, narrating it, "I guess these guys were planning a party without me." I giggled as the video caught Oliver climbing up into the crib. Ali and Liam clapped as he lowered himself inside.

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