Chapter 155

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After Aubrey agreed to listen to my advice we didn't have to stay there too much past dinner but Nic did request my presence for her consultation with Leah the next day. Lydia and I didn't end up having any of the talks we'd put off throughout the day, I think we both ended up in a good mood and preferred to simply enjoy the moment and each other's company. She was awake and out of bed when I woke up that morning, there was a rose made out of paper on her pillow next to a little note:
Good morning! Pancakes? (And bacon of course).
It was signed with a heart. I smiled as I picked up the rose and examined the folds of the paper. Her artistic talents never cease to amaze me, and I think she knew that. After getting dressed I found Lydia and OJ in the kitchen. OJ was on a stool by the counter stirring the batter while Lydia made bacon. He had an apron on and his sleeves were rolled up.

"Good morning." I greeted them.

"We're making PANCAKES!" OJ said excitedly.

I walked over and kissed the top of his head, "I see that. How'd you sleep?"

"Good. I woke up even before Mama." He turned to give me a hug.

"And you got all dressed and everything yourself?"

"Yep cause I'm all big now." He beamed. "And Mama says I can make the pancakes all by myself well with maybe a little help."

The girls were up and dressed in time for breakfast. After I took the kids to school I spent my morning working from home, well from Nic's house. She let me use her office. Leah had finished her assessment with Nic by my lunch break and Nic had asked me to come talk to her afterwards. Leah was still there, but she wanted us both there while she processed the news for herself.

"This is going to sound silly.. but what does this mean exactly." She was looking at me but it was really Leah's job to talk her through not mine, so I just held her hand and waited for Leah's response.

"That's not a silly question at all." Leah began, "and with depression it can mean a lot of things because its different for everyone." She continued her spiel a bit longer and went into details as Nic nodded along, "but what's important, is that you know you have your friends and family to reach out to, they're here for you." Leah gave me a nod letting me know I could jump in when I was ready.

I contemplated my approach carefully as I caressed her hand. I took a deep breath as I made my decision, "Nic we're family, and we're friends. So you already know that I'm here for you, always." I kept my voice just above a whisper and I paused to look in her eyes directly, "But I'm also here for you the same way I was there for you when you were pregnant with Logan."

For a moment we just stared at each other as she started to understand what I had just told her.

"You..?" Her question was incomplete but I knew what it was nonetheless.

I nodded, "yeah."

There was a wave of emotions that flushed over her face, a mix of confusion, disbelief, empathy, the works. Despite that I already knew what her next question was, even if she couldn't push through her thoughts to say it herself.

"She doesn't know yet. But I will tell her when the time comes.. which might be sooner rather than later now." I told her. I knew asking her to hold stuff from Lydia was hard but it was for me to share with Lydia, not her. She nodded letting me know she understood.

She didn't ask me anything additional but I knew the questions would come eventually. Leah and I stayed with her a bit longer until she had settled in with Logan by her side. Leah and I walked downstairs and left together.

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