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Alex POV

"All right let's go raid a base and kill some shit" I said.

I pulled out another com devices and tapped away on it for a few seconds. I connected it into the coms and in a few seconds I could hear music.

What? I was not gonna do this in total silence I needed music.

But I pressed shuffle play and soon a song came on.

My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. Because why not, and I love it.

"Let's do this" I say as me I walk one way with Peter and the rest head out one way to clear out the rest of the base.

We walk in the door, which was really just a big arch way but who am I to judge.

We where walking around for a little with the music feeling the vibes trying to be quiet well humming the words.

We found the room with the symbiots. They where all in big containers that held them in place. There where four canisters each had a goo like substance in it.

When it happened.

The fateful bead drop.

Our weakness.



Then the alarms started but it was totally worth it.

I turned to Peter "alright we gotta do this quick, we need to break open the canisters one at a time and I'll light em up" I said.

I give him one of my bow staffs and I get out the hair spray and my lighter.

Peter raised the staff and brought it down breaking one of the canisters.

The goo inside leaked out and started to go towards him looking for a host. But we where to fast.

I pulled out my can of hair spray and aimed at the goo and pushed down on the nozzle and lifted the lighter up to the stream of spray. I clicked the lighter and the flames came out going strait to the hair spray and making a flame thrower.

The symbiote made a screaming like noise and shriveled up and died.

So cool.

We moved on to the next 3 and broke and killed them alternating on who got to kill it and who got to smash the jars.

What we're teenagers we need a little chaos every now and than.

But as soon as we finished killing them all a swarm of agents came in and pointed their guns at us. Peter raised his web shooters and snatched the guns webbing them up to the celing as Venom and me grabbed the last few breaking them. 

Peter threw my staff at me after hitting an agent over the head with it, I caught the staff in my hands and slung it under an agents feet knocking the agent to the floor, before the agent could get up I bashed them in the head knocking them out.

I looked over at Peter who was finished off the last agent. He webbed a web onto the agents chest and flipped the agent over his back and twisted around and slammed the agent to the ground.

I smiled at him "how long have you been waiting to do that"

"A long time" he laughed.

"We should go find the rest of them and finish cleaning the place out"

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