4th of July party

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Alex POV

I was in a bit of a pickle.

It was the fourth of July today and Stark Industries was holding a big party for it and because apparently it was the one and only Captain America's birthday. And apparently, I was invited.

As Venom AND myself.

So I was going over the pros and cons of who to go as. As Venom I would have to wear the suit and talk mostly to adults and try to make it seem like I was an adult. But if I went as me I had an excellent excuse not to talk to many adults and wear what I wanted.

So I decided I would go as me. 

I threw on a pair of black jean shorts, a tank top and some shoes.

 I was debating over the tank top because you could see part of the giant scar on my back (the one from catching that burning beam and other things with my back). It's not like I hated it or anything, I kinda liked it (not the way I got it, that sucked), and it didn't bother me much.

But people do ask questions and I don't really wanna try to explain HOW I got it..... But fuck it ill just pretend I didn't know it was there and act shocked. (works better than you would think)

After making sure I had everything I locked my door andleft to go to the garage. I got on my motorcycle and started to drive to the tower.

When I got there I parked my bike and headed into the building. Over time I had gotten better at the whole entering into the building and not freaking out over it thing.

I walked through the doors that led to the main 'party' room I noticed not a lot of people were there so they were probably still waiting for people to arrive. And that once I stepped through the doors Nate and Cassie came running toward me. Cassie wrapped her hands around my waist and Nate jumped up into my arms (I caught him just in time) I balanced Nate on my hip and hugged Cassie back.




"Alex! We didn't know if you were coming or not!" Cassie exclaimed. Throughout... However long I have been babysitting I had much more time to spend with Nate and Cassie when I was babysitting them. So we all had time to become more familiar with each other.

"I decided why not it's kinda a once in a lifetime opportunity for me" I smiled.

"Well we are happy you are here" Nate nodded.

"Really!?" I gasped.

"Yea" Nate nodded again.

"Alright before we continue this lovely chat I gotta tell Mr. Stark I'm here, you know where he is?" I asked.

"Over by the snacks with Uncle Steve", Nate pointed over to them.

"Alright Imma go talk to him, you wanna come with or go cause trouble somewhere else?" I asked.

"I wanna go with you" Cassie said.

"Me too" Nate agreed.

"Alright let's go........ Cassie,"


"I need you to let go of my waist so I can walk"


"If I carry you on my shoulders will you let me walk?" I asked.

"Sounds like a deal"

I put Nate down for a second and lifted Cassie onto my shoulders, "Hold on tight" I told her. I picked up Nate again in one arm and placed him back on my hip holding him with one arm and using the other to hold onto Cassie.

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