Boss Battle

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I hate fight scenes with powered people, LIKE HOW THE FUCK DO YOU WRITE A LIZARD ATTACKING A PERSON?!!?!!??!


..... Also kinda SLIGHT graphic wound stuff ITS NOT THT BAD I PROMISE I JUT WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW 

Alex POV

Everything had gone to hell.

And I was pissed off and about to kill a man, or start crying, or both who knows anymore.

 I was finally about to ask MJ out and this shit happens. Every single time I try to get something done this happens. So I was not happy at all.

But like I said everything was hell.

The Sinister Six had teamed up again and decided to attack at once again. But this time they teamed up with Carnage who was somehow back in his old body. 

WHO I THOUGHT I FUCKING KILLED. I don't even want to know how anymore. 

They were attacking a new shipment of some sort of weapons that had come in. But to make sure they could try to get it they set a big fire on the other side of everything and had people shooting around it so people couldn't get in to help.

So Me, Peter, and Miles all rushed to the scene. 

"We need a plan" Peter started simply.

"Spidey-" I said already thinking of a plan.

"Which one?" Peter asked.

Found the problem of having the same name

"Spiderman" I pointed at Miles, "Spidey" I pointed at Peter 

"Good" we all agreed.

"Spiderman I need you to try to evacuate as many people as you can and try to find a safe location for them all, Spidey I want you to try and put out the fires, and ill take the shooters. When everyones done go for the 6" I informed everyone.

"Got it" Miles nodded swinging off.

"Deal" Peter said also swinging off.

I swung off to were the shooting was teaking place and dropped down behind them. I started to take them all down as quick as I could.

Civilians POV

It was crazy, a bomb had gone off which started a fire, and then truckloads of people came in and started firing at anyone who got too close. Then the cops came and tried to take them down but they where being pushed back. Then Venom dropped down behind them and started to destroy them.

And you could tell she was pissed. Normally when Venom fights she adds some fun moves into everything and some snarky and sassy comments during a fight to make it fun. It was part of the charm she said. But occasionally when you caught her on a bad day she would destroy you. She got to the point really quick when she was mad.

And she didn't look in the nice mood today. She had a bigger fight on the way and was ready to get to that one.

She kicked a dude down and slammed her staff down over the man's head. At one point I think she even walked on a man she knocked down. 

Third Person POV

She finished off the last guy by punching him so hard across the face he was knocked down with one punch. She walked up to the line of cop cars that we're being used as shields.

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